Dark Egg

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Dash yourself against a deadening silence.

Suffocate in muffled quarantine.

With eyes sealed, peck out tiniest hairline fracture,

slimmest promise of light and freedom.

Without proper purchase, 

gaining momentum becomes impossible. 

Dumb and blind, you whack and whack

your brains out, obeying an instinctual idiocy,

an intuitive ache for what your blood and bones 

insist exists beyond this gloomy prison.

The cure for false hopes lies in hopelessness, 

and this redundant, repetitive action to break free

from what once gave you life. If you stop

 to consider, you're sent spinning, 

your tiny world rockin' n rollin'.

A starveling, you've consumed every iota

in reserve, deprivation your last aim and only saviour.

Famine fuels your will to beat against resistance

one last time. Summoning your all, again and again,

you answer the call: obey and obey

with every ounce of your being.

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