Magpie Pearls

756 56 80
  • Dedicated to Gabrielle Villecourt

She rolls sounds around,

tests them on her tongue,

strings each one by one by one:

A shimmer of beads

she gleans with care

to dazzle and impress.

Listening, you think

Magpie knows

something, has happened

upon the ultimate kernel,

that one in a million and most

ethereal of gems in her haphazard



Who's intent

on truth or wisdom


So content we are

to watch each other

have intercourse

as we fall.


the starveling's beak utters

graceless, parabolic squawks,

faux pearls that clatter

as they hit the ground


We grow rampant

among the stones,

our desire for truth

dried to a crisp

under the scathing eye,

the unblinking mind

of God.

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