Book one-chapter one:

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Percy's POV

My name is Omega,I am the son of Chaos and I am the commander of his army. You once knew me as Percy Jackson but don't call me that. It brings back to many memories of what happened.

FLASHBACK**             (5000 years ago)

Me,Nico and Thalia had just returned from a quest to get some equipment for the gods. We heard a whimper and went to investigate it only to see a boy around our age with a hellhound on him. I immediantly stepped forward and killed the hellhound sending it to tarturus. The boy jumped up and ran off to the camp.When we had arrived the whole camp were there looking me in disgust.

"There he is." Clarisse stated the obvious.

"Hey, what's up guys?" I asked obliviously.

"What's up? WHAT'S UP? Well apart from the fact that our supposed hero just abandoned this poor boy when he needed him most, not much." Chiron spat out.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You just stood there and left him to fight the hellhound." Annabeth with so much dissapointment.

"No i didn't." i protested but it was to late, they had walked off. Even Nico and Thalia.


It had only been four days since Josh(The boy) showed up saying that he had fought the hellhound. Everyone loved him and thought he was so special and brave while they treated me like dirt. To make matters worse, Posiedon had claimed Josh as his son, meaning he was my half-brother. Great.(Note sarcasm). But none of that mattered to me right now because today was the day. The day i would propose to Annabeth. 

I was walking down the beach trying to think of the best way to ask her when i seen something that made me freeze where i stood. Josh was sat there kissing...Annabeth.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" i screamed gaining the attention of the campers. They broke apart and looked at me.

"I don't want you. I want Josh." Annabeth said honestly and it broke my heart. I could feel the rage running through me as the biggest wave possible was growing ready to drop on Josh. Before I could though, the gods showed up.

"PERCY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HURTING MY FAVOURITE SON?" Dad screamed. Ouch, that hurt. I was still too hurt and angry to reply. Everyone I knew hated and betrayed me. My friends payed no attention to me. My life had been destroyed and it was all his fault.

"I disown you Percy Jackson as my son" Posiedon said which snapped me back to reality. Most the gods gasped and looked at me sympathetically. What suprised me most was that Hades stepped forward and gave me a brief hug before resuming his place beside his brothers. 

"Leave." Zeus said sadly.

"I will leave but remember when I tell you this. When you need me most, I won't be there. When you need me for something, I won't do it. Gaea is rising and you just lost your only chance at surviving. Goodbye, never look for me." I know I sounded like a jerk but to be honest i didn't care. I walked away from the shocked looking gods and demi-gods.


I had packed my bag in silence. I walked through the camp with everyone looking at me in shock. Through the crowd i saw Annabeth and walked over to her. I grabbed the ring frorm my pocket and placed it i her hands. It took her a second to realise what this ring was before she fell to the floor crying.I gave her a sad smile and walked off.

Now I am walking through the woods surrounding CHB(camp half-blood) when someone I never expected walked out. Kronos.I grabbed Riptide from my pocket and charged.

We had been fighting for a while now and I think I have found his weak spot. However, as I stab him he stabbed me. I didn't have much time to stick around as i was flashed to Olympus by Zeus. When I turned around I hear every god and demi-god gasp. I fell to my knees and Apollo rushed forward. I could feel him trying to save me but it was no use. I was faintly aware that the godess Iris was showing everyone in the throne room what my life for the past months had been like.

"Percy I am so sorry." My father said when Iris had finished. He had tears streaming down his face.

"Don't be. I was a disgrace and I understand why you all did it. I am very sorry that I was not good enough for you all. Oh, and I killed Kronos. Goodbye, I'm sorry." I said and then fell into deep slumber.


I opened my eyes and looked around. I appeared to be in a white room that looked like the hospital ones. I noticed there was a man starring down at me. His eyes were fascinating. They were pitch black with specs that looked like planets? He wore a cloak but you could see a little of his black hair.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly due to my sore throat.

"I am Chaos creator of the universe and the most powerful being. Oh, and I am your father." 'Explains the eyes' was my last thought before I fell into deep slumber once again.


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