Book Two-chapter fifteen

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3rd person:

"Nothing?" Luke repeated devastated. Bianca started frantically shaking her head down at Percy.

"No," she whispered but everyone heard,"there has to be something we can do. This is Percy, he is a fighter and there is no way he will willingly leave." she said fiercely.

"There has to be something we can do," Beckondorf repeated in agreement whilst the sqaudron nodded, also in agreement. Zoe, Silena and suprisingly Ethan were sobbing silently. Chaos looked deep in thought but when he looked up, his eyes showed defeat. Bianca collapsed on Percy crying violently. The sky was calm and the sea was silent, mourning the loss of one of the greatest hero's there ever has been. The campers looked disheartened and the gods looked shell-shocked like they couldn't believe what was happening, including Are's. Luke and Beckkondorf,along with many of the squadron, stared at the ground feeling the impact of losing their brother.  Percy's children sat around their father with mouths gaping open in denial.

"No no no no no," Roxy began murmured,shaking her head quickly. "this can't be happening. Daddy promised us this would be his last mission, he can't leave us now. It's not fair!" Many campers looked at her sympathetically but she was solely looking at her father's face. Axel stood up and hugged his twin sister comfortingly. Roxie jumped back as if she just realised something while everyone looked at her confused. She stepped forward and whispered something in Axel's ear before stepping back. Axel looked as white as ghost and looked like he was going to be sick.  

"Grandad forbid us," Axel said shocked. Chaos's and Bianca's heads perked up at this as they both looked confused. It took a few seconds before realisation hit Chaos. 

"You can't," he said shaking his head.

"What is it? What can't they do?" Bianca asked worried for her children.

"As you know when the children were born they were blessed by both me and the primordials, making them practically invincable. However, what you don't know is that with Percy being the father, some of his powers morphed into the children. Percy had only recently noticed this when he was watching over the children without them knowing," the children perked up and this," With all of these powers being morphed into one, the children are extremely powerful, more so than me and Percy," Chaos finished and many people gasped. Bianca frowned, obviously unhappy.

"Why didn't  Percy tell me?" she asked feeling almost betrayed. 

"If my understanding is correct, he was going to tell you this evening," Chaos said sadly. Bianca nodded looking back down at Percy.

"Grandad,please, we have to try," Roxy practically begged.

"Even if your powers could save Percy, you could destroy Earth," Chaos replied regretfully.

"I don't care! They are greedy, they only care about themselves. Don't you remember what they did to dad? They hurt him, they betrayed him. They are no friends of mine!" Roxy said angrily. Everyone, including Chaos, looked at Roxy in shock.

"You ungrateful brat-"Are's began.

"Enough," Bianca said silencing him which he didn't look happy about. She did not, however, pay any attention and turned back to her daughter.

"Do you think you can do this?"Bianca asked hopefully.

"Bianca,no. This is to dangerous,I forbid it." Chaos said with finality in his voice.

"I just want him back dad," Bianca said crying sadly. Over the years, Bianca had come accustomed with calling Chaos dad.  

"I know," he said sorrowfully. Dozens of mini tornadoes began appearing everywhere.

"I'm sorry grandad but I can't do it, I can't just let him leave us," Roxy said as tears fell down her cheeks. Suddenly there was a blinding light. When the light fadded, everyone audibly gasped.

"Roxy,stop," said her father.

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