Book two-chapter seven

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Ali's POV: 

I walked on the shore of the beach I was meant to be meeting Zach on but he hasn't showed. I could hear a couple giggiling and was about to turn around so I didn't disturb them.

"Oh Zach, when are you going to break up with that pathetic girlfriend of yours?" a squeaky voice asked. Zach? Surely, that's not my Zach. Right?

"I will tell her when I see her I promise," a voice I knew so well said. It was Zach! I didn't want to hear anymore. I ran back into camp where I cried myself to sleep.


Chiron has called an emergency meeting at the dining pavillion for all campers, which sadly included me. I walked in and sat in my designated seat without looking at anyone. I'm not going to give Zach or that girl the satisfaction of seeing me sad.

"Quiet please," Chiron yelled, making everyone silent.

"It has come to our attention that Gaia wishes to destroy us. Because of this, Chaos has been generous enough to offer his help. He has sent his son and Commander along with his sqaudron-again." Everyone knew who that meant and were whispering furiously. The stories of them were well known and always told. One thing was stuck in my mind: Percy is coming back. 

"Does that mean Uncle Percy is coming?"James(Jason&Piper's son) asked.

"Well if you mean your great looking,charming, funny and buff uncle that kicks butt then yes," Said a voice I knew and loved. I turned to see Percy with 9 people behind him.

"Uncle Percy!" James,Luke,Timothy,Georgia and Rosy screamed jumping on Percy. He chuckles but successfully caught them all. Knowing Percy, he had probably visited them in their dreams. All the kids jumped down and ran to their parents.

"Hey man," Nico said, stepping forward and hugging Percy. Percy then went around hugging everyone while I was pushed to the back. I do not think I can do this again, I thought before running off yet again.

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