Book one-chapter three:

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Honestly, I was furious that father was making me go back to that place. The only people I trusted were: Jason; Piper; Frank; Hazel; Leo; Thalia; Nico; Hades; Artemis; Hestia; Apollo and Hermes. That may seem like a long list but it isn't. Me and my squadron were in the main room.

"Everyone ready?" I asked irritated. Everyone nodded and I created a black portal which lead us to Olympus.

"WHO DARES INTERRUPT US? " Zeus screamed. I looked up to see the 14 olympians (Hestia and Hades were given thrones after second titan war) and the immortal campers which unfortunately included her.

"Shut it drama queen." I replied. I could see everyone in the room trying to hide their laughs and failing.

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME?" He screamed and threw his lightening bolt at me but I just caught it and dropped it on the floor and if it were a piece of trash. The look on the gods faces was priceless. Chaos flashed in.

"Who are you?" Zeus asked trying to regain his authority.

"I am Chaos creator of the universe and king of the Void. The most powerful person in the universe." Chaos said and all the gods and demi-gods got on their knees. Chaos turned to me and winked.

"Rise." Everyone stood up," now these are my best fighters and their leader. Do not question him or anger him. You hurt or disrespect one of them, they will all be sent home. The warriors can destroy the gods and titans together and their leader is as powerful as me. They will now introduce themselves." I knew he said that purposefully and by the look of dread on everyone's faces it worked.

"I'm Omega." I said simply.

"Full titles please." Chaos said while smirking.

"Very well. I am Omega assassin and commander of Chaos. I am Chaos's son and Prince of the Void. I am the saviour of the universe and destroyer of evil. Promidial of elements, betrayal and forgotten solders. Second most powerful being." I finished the speech and to say they looked scared was an understatement. Even some of my warriors didn't know that. Somehow during my speech, my crown had been placed on my head. I. Hated. It.

Percy we do not want to speak as our parents may recognise us. Please introduce us? Luke mm'ed (mind messaged) me and the other agreed.

"These are my warriors Alpha, Huntress, Forge, Angel, Beauty, Bow, Arrow, Revenge and our healer Duo. They all have separate powers which will be revealed in due time." I said signalling to each of them.

"Why do you wear masks and cloaks?" Athena asked whilst trying to see who we were.

"Most of us lived on Earth and have bad memories therefore wish to keep their identities a secret. Those who wish to reveal themselves step forward now." As I suspected no one stepped forward and I understood why.

"Excuse me? Omega surely you have been all over the universe, have you met or seen Percy Jackson?" Hades asked. To be honest, Hades was awesome and majorly understood. on

"As a matter of fact I have met him. He told us of his betrayal and pain and we offered him a place in our army. Sadly during a mission Percy got reckless and died a hero. However from what I have been told, you were one the he trusted very well." A mixture of sadness and joy were present on Hades face.

"Omega you must go to camp half-blood a war has started. " Father announced. I nodded and we all walked through a portal.

When we arrived there were thousands of monsters being lead by..Kronos. The olympians and immortal demi-gods flashed in and looks horrified. In Olympus we made it so no one could see our wings but now we extended them. Mine were pitch black with little planets and galaxies while the other were clear white. We rose high into the air while everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us in awe. I created an energy ball that killed all monsters within 100 feet apart from Kronos.

"Who sent you?" I said calmly.

"I will not say." He thundered.

"Well, what if I get your mother down here?" I teased. Yeah, I'm friends with Gaea so what? She had her reasons and I forgave her.

"You wouldn't." He said narrowing his eyes.

"KRONOS DONT MAKE ME COME DOWN THERE!" Gaea yelled from the sky. Kronos paled whilst my squadron were cracking up.

"I was sent by End." He said with a sigh and ran off. I turned to see everyone looking at me in awe. Awkward. Meanwhile my squadron were still laughing.

Percy I know that you do not want everyone to know your identity right but perhaps the ones you trust?  Chaos mm'ed me.

Okay. I replied.

"Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Thalia, Nico, Hades, Artemis, Hestia, Apollo and Hermes. We want all of you to follow us to our cabin." They visibly gulped but nodded.

"What cabin? " a horrible voice asked. Josh. I clapped my hands and a pure black cabin covered in galaxies appeared.

"That cabin." I replied venomously. I then walked off with those I called and my squadron.

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