Book Two-chapter sixteen

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3rd person:

Everyone gasped in the shock and stared at the figure before them.

"D-daddy?!" Roxy sqeauled bewildered. Her head flung around to where her father's corpse had previously been to discover it was no longer there.

"You promised grandad you wouldn't do that, you broke your promise," Percy said dissappointed but his eyes said otherwise. He was clearly estatic that he had returned.

"How are you alive?" Zeus asked confused.

"I don't know, I thought dad had something to do with it," Percy said but Chaos shoke his head still in shock. The sqaudron,primordials,Bianca and the rest of Percy's children were sat like statues, staring at him as if they couldn't believe it.

"Then I don't know," Percy said, his voice laced with frustration.

"It was me," everyone spun around to see who spoke but everybody visably frowned as they did not recognise him. However, whoever it was made Chaos break out of his trance as he got down on his knees, bowing to the figure above him. Percy, who looked stunned, copied Chaos's movements which made everyone follow.

"Father," Chaos greeted formally. The figure nodded in acknowledgement.

"Father? Who are you?" Zeus asked, trying to maintain some sort of authority.

"My name is Void,I am the father to Chaos and End and grandparent to Perseus," the figure, who was now known as Void, explained to everyone. Percy looked up at him in awe.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Percy said, "but why did you save me?" 

"Let me tell you something son. There are two type of people in this world. People who want destruction and pain and those who want creation and happiness. You always doubt yourself and think you bring vast amounts of pain to the people around you but you are wrong. Look at your children, they are your creation and they are the most beautiful creations out there. Now look at your friends, at your siblings and at your father;they are your happiness. You should treasure the life you have, not throw it away." Void said whilst the people mentioned nodded in agreement. 

"But...the wars, they cause pain...the deaths of friends,the mourning...sometimes it's just too much," Percy stuttered,trying not to cry.

"But you don't give up. That would be admitting defeat and you should never do that. You fight. Life is hard but death is even harder. What you would be leaving behind is too precious to take for granted," Void said sternly,"I will be taking my leave now, please don't do something stupid again,"Void smiled sadly before flashing out.

A choked sob escaed Percy's mouth as he turned around to see his family and friends. He walked over to them and fell to his knee's surrounded by those he loved. They all crowded around and hugged him comfortingly. 

"I'm sorry," he said before starting to cry.

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