Chapter 10

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"Garrett! The Garrett in our grade! The freshman Garrett!" Grace said. "Yes" Liam said back. "He is a murderer! I know a murderer!" Grace said. "I guess yes" Liam replied. "Grace calm down you aren't even part of this your not on the dead pool" Scott said. "But my boyfriend is and someone I know and used to be friends with might kill him during the lacrosse game" Grace said. "Just calm down and get ready for the lacrosse game ok I promise Liam is going to be fine me, Stiles and Kira will be out there to protect him you can even help to if you get your lacrosse gear on and play in the game" Scott said. "Ok" Grace said as she left the room.
Grace was out on the field with Mason. "Who is that?" Grace asked Mason. "Oh that's just Brett but wow I need him right now" Mason said. "I would say hot but I'm already in a relationship so he is all yours Mason" Grace said. "But seriously all I have to say is WOW" Mason said. Grace looked at the boy who just took his shirt off but before she started to stare Mason said "Liam is coming stop looking at him". Liam came over to where Mason and Grace were. "Hey guys" Liam said. "Hey Liam" Grace said. "Grace do you" Liam said But was cut off by Brett. "Hey what's up I'm Brett maybe we could hang out sometime" Brett said gesturing to Grace. "Sorry can't" Grace said. "Why not?" Brett said. "Already taken by someone much hotter than you and I bet he is also much smarter and much nicer than you" Grace said. "Oh and who might this guy be" Brett asked. Grace whispered something to Liam's ear. Grace and Liam kissed right in front of Brett. "I think I got the idea" Brett said walking away. "Let's go warm up" Grace said. "Yes let's do that" Liam said smiling.
   The game was about to start. Grace, Liam, Kira, Scott and Stiles were all starting on the field. As the game started Beacon Hills was loosing by a lot. Kira soon made a shot but was benched after because she didn't pass it. Grace soon after got the ball ran a little then passed it to Scott and Scott passed it to Liam and Liam made a goal. A little later Liam got the ball and ran to make a goal but him and Brett crashed into each other. "I heard the blade did Garrett cut you?" Scott asked. "No I don't think so" Liam replied. "Where is Grace and Brett?" Scott asked. "I thought Grace was right next to me" Liam said. "Well she isn't right now let's go find her" Scott said. "What if Garrett cut her and Brett" Liam said. "Well then we better look fast Liam get Kira and look out here on the field and me and Stiles will look in the school" Scott said. "Ok" Liam replied. And off they were looking for Grace and Brett hoping that Garrett did not cut them especially Grace.

***Ohhhhhhh Nooooo Grace is missing I will try to write another chapter as soon as possible but just know it probably won't be today***

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