Chapter 17

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***I was really bored so I will try to finish this***
They didn't have time to wait for Lydia so they went ahead and left but they knew she was at the school so Mason was going to look for her. "Can I ride with Liam?" Grace asks. "No" Derek replies right away. "Why? I will be with you" Grace said. "Because I don't need 2 new wolves that can't control themselves in one car" Derek said. "That actually might be easier if they're in the same car" Peter said. "Fine Peter they will be in the same car" Derek said. "Yes! Thanks Peter your not so bad" Grace said. "See" Peter said. "Hey! Not yet at least" Grace said. "Ok we should probably get going now" Derek said. They got into the cars/vans and headed for Mexico.

"Oh no the moon" Grace said. She started to take deep breaths but it wasn't working. Her eyes started to glow golden yellow. Grace was so focused on herself that she didn't notice Liam about to go full on wolf. "Her take this both of you!" Derek said. "Slowly say alpha beta omega, it should calm you down but you need to say it slowly" Derek finished. "Ok" they started. "Alpha... Beta... Omega" "It's not working" Stiles said. "Say it again slower" Derek said. "...Alpha.... Beta.... Omega" They said again but it was only getting worse. "I'm not dying inside a van Derek" Stiles said. "Well do you know any other rituals for werewolves?" Derek asked. "Umm actually yes, Grace, Liam say the sun the moon the truth slowly like before" Stiles said actually serious. "The sun... the moon... the truth" They said multiple times. "Think of an anchor while you say it" Derek said. They both looked at each other and they turned back to human form. "Oh my I'm sooo sorry guys, I tried to control it" Grace said. "I tried too" Liam agreed. "We know" Derek and Stiles both said. ( Did you like my Sterek moment?)

They got to Mexico and found the tomb. "That was an interesting drive" Grace said. "Sure, very interesting" Stiles said. "Guys we need to go find Scott before Kate does anything bad to him or Kira" Derek said very seriously.

***sorry it's short but do you want me to write more? Comment below***

The Impossible (a teen wolf romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon