Ch. 1- Bad Decisions

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Hey, so I am now editing this story as of 5/31/18. I hope you all enjoy! This story is going to be a lot different than before, which I am very happy about.


The roof was slick with rain and my hair was plastered to my grimy face. I'm sure that if I could have seen myself, I would've laughed. Or cried. It had not been the greatest day for me. But I was oh so determined to change that fact with a quick reprieve from the downpour that was coming down in Central Park. If I was fast, I could sneak into the skyscraper and get a glimpse of the alien who had came and reigned terror on the city. The odds of him still being there were low, but I was very bored and very ready for my luck to turn.

My grip on the ledge was beginning to slip a little bit, so I decided to drop onto the lower terrace which was littered with broken glass. I winced as my tennis shoes crunched the shards under my weight, but I didn't dare roll for cover. I'd turn into a fillet. I paused and waited to hear voices or footsteps approaching from inside; neither came. I then mentally facepalmed, I forgot the power.

My mom was probably yelling at me from the grave and I knew what she would have been saying. Your brother should've inherited that gift after all. I shook my head and instead focused intently on the space around me. I was no master of this ability by any stretch, but at least I was able to direct it to some extent. I jumped as my mind brushed up against a form, which was very blurry, almost like I was feeling what static sounds like in my head. Mom had said I should be able to enter their mind, but I wanted to call B.S. on that. I could barely tell that the person was walking upstairs. Walking. Oh great.

"Sir, there is motion detected on the terrace." Came a mechanic voice. My body tensed. I only felt one person out there, so the second voice threw me off. Maybe I just really sucked at using this new gift.

"Alright, J, this better be bigger than a bird or I am going to lose it." The man that I had found said. Before he could make it outside the door, I put my best effort into telling his limbs to stop. Nada. I wondered if humor would help me because at this point, the odds of me being able to sway his mind were laughably slim. There was a possibility however that I could give him a heart attack by using my own birth-given gift. I weighed my options and figured that it could only help me in case of escape. So I muttered the long dead phrase under my breath and my wings connected with my body. The union always heightened my senses and this moment was no different.

I was still crouched, my hand on the small blade that was hooked to my belt loop when the dude rounded the corner. His eyes were squinted and then very wide despite the rain pouring down on the two of us. I opened my mouth to say something witty when he held up his hands.

"I don't care what you are going to say, you're about to be under arrest." The guy said with a steady tone. I was still trying to hack into his brain, so my response was a tad slow. And as I opened my mouth, something took over my words.

"Tony Stark." I spoke quietly.

"What was that?" He asked, taking a step forward, albeit with a small limp.

"Rough day?" I replied instead of repeating myself. He shot me an unamused look.

"Stand up." He ordered. Geez, tough crowd. I obeyed and let the wings take full form as I did so, turning from invisible to their normal dappled color. The man, apparently the Tony Stark, jumped back and raised his hands. I heard a hiss emanate from somewhere inside the penthouse and a red blur collided with his right hand. My eyebrows quirked upwards as I studied the weapon and I briefly wondered if it would hurt worse to be shot by that or be punched in the face by it.

"Woah there Mr. Stark, I didn't come here to start a fight." I explained. I felt dumb even saying the words out loud, but if there was one thing I knew how to do, it was lie.

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