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"Dr., are you ok?" A guard called from outside, while he opened the door. He gave one more glance back at me and left. I slumped back down on my bed as soon as the door shut. I began to drift off into a dreamless slumber. It felt amazing to not wake up in a cold sweat.

I was aroused some hours later, on my own, no one had disturbed me. The bed was so comfy, that I fell back asleep. This time I was interrupted, but I figured that I had gotten my fair share of sleep.

The door was opened, and to my surprise, Tony walked in. He gave me his arrogant grin and sat on my bed.

"Come on, I need to show you some stuff." He gestured towards the door. I playfully groaned, and he disappeared through the door. I bounded into the hall, he jetted down the corridor, so I quickly pursued. He never looked back to see if I was following, he just kept going.

He finally opened a door, so I ran in after him. He was standing as his metal suit was clicking into place. Just my luck, the door slammed shut as I went to leave. He slid off his mask.

"Don't freak out, this is just for training. I'm going to try not to hurt you too much." He laughed. "I'm kidding, I'll be careful." He put back on his mask. He turned, and got into a fighting position. I just relaxed myself.

He lunged towards me, but he just stopped mid-air. His suit jolted to a standstill. I had jammed Jarvis. Skylar Mason jammed Jarvis. I felt invincible. Until I realized that I had stopped Tony, not Jarvis. So the suit kept moving towards me.

I let go of Starks mind and ran for cover behind a table. He shot a few bullets into the chair beside me, then proceeded to flip the table. I backed up against the wall and he grabbed ahold of the collar of my jacket. He put the other hand to my forehead.

"Dead." He proclaimed. "Why didn't you fight back? You can be way more deadly than that." He sounded disappointed. I wiggled out of his loose grasp, and readjusted my shirt. I huffed and tugged on the door handle.

"I don't like being put on the spot like that. I don't suggest that you do it again." I growled. He opened the door by entering a code, and I stormed out of the room. Only to then be stopped by another person that I didn't want to see right now. Nick Fury.

"Not the best time to talk to me. Can it wait?" I seethed. He gave me his ever so famous poker face.

"No, it can't. Follow me, we're heading to Dr. Banner's lab." He grabbed my arm forcefully, and yanked me down the hall. He led me onto a small elevator, then down another hallway. This place is a freaking labyrinth.

I jerked my arm free from him as we entered the lab. Steve was sitting on a table across from us. Bruce nodded and hurried out of the room. Nick turned and began to leave as well. I took control, and turned him around.

"And what is this all about?" I snapped.

"I'm sure the captain can explain." He turned once more, and vanished from the room. Steve then walked over, and corralled me towards two chairs that had been set up in the room. I smiled politely as he waved me to my seat.

"So?" I asked.

"Well, Fury asked if someone would let you search their mind, completely. So I volunteered. Don't worry little lady, whatever happens when you do this, it won't be any worse then what I've gone through." He gently smiled. He was so calm, he knew what would happen, but he didn't care. I felt my face flush red.

I scanned his face for signs that he had noticed the color change. He gave a nervous chuckle. I shamefully hung my head and blushed even harder. He patted my shoulder.

"I- it wasn't- that - my - your- I was just." I stuttered. I then realized that he was genuinely not judging me. He just kept smiling as I babbled like a complete idiot. "That," I touched my cheek with the palm of my hand,"wasn't because of, like your face or anything. It was because I haven't had a guy be that polite for a long time." I awkwardly stated. He relaxed his back, and sat in a more comfortable fashion. I relaxed too.

"Is it ok if I start?" I asked shyly. He nodded reassuringly. I grasped his hand, and broke his will.

My subconscious was controlling my conscious mind, as well as his. I had only tried doing this one other time, but that story I'll save for later. I heard crying, and yelps, and then came the screams. My body was wrapped by something as the irritating sound continued. I tried to move my head, but I was locked into this position.

Then my vision went pitch black. An image of a girl flashed across my sight, and then I reopened my eyes. I heard more screaming, but now someone was trying to talk to me. They looked worried. I tried to talk, but nothing came out.

"Sky, calm down, stop yelling, you're ok. Steve is ok. Calm down." I barely heard. A sharp pain encompassed my left forearm. I tried to figure out where the pain came from, but my mind became fuzzy. I slowly dragged my eyes closed, and I finally relaxed. Only to pass out moments later.


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