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The sky was a hazy orange by the time I had started my small fire. I warmed my hands, and then ran my fingers through my hair. I was listening to the calming sound of the crackling cinders. A bluejay flew overhead, and landed on the tip of my wing, and I tenderly smiled. The bird was so free, unlike me, I was practically a sitting duck. I knew for a fact that Tony would come looking for me. I was preparing for it, every now and then, bending the will of a squirrel or a bicyclist that happened to pass by.

I reached out as far as I could, trying to find Stark. Somehow, my mind found him, though the thoughts were barely strung together. As if his words were being pulled apart by the breeze. I felt Dr. Banner's presence as well, so I listened to their conversation.

"But they- able to get- quickly as- think." Banner said.

"I felt- for her, she reminded me of- but she wouldn't let-. I didn't- explain myself. - just trying to- her." Tony explained, sounding distressed. I was about to cry, I realized. He felt bad for what he did, but I still didn't want to go back.

"- tell her that I won't -a fly." Banner stated exasperatedly.

"She probably wants nothing-me. She-listen -me. Here, -are on their- will be here tomorrow." Tony said. Oh great more people to hunt me down. I had heard enough. I stood up and straightened my clothes, stamped out the tiny flames, and then I went searching for a hideout for the night. I looked for a safe haven for about an hour, until I found a giant tree, with a lot of branches. It'd be really hard to get to me since I could barely get settled in myself.

Once I had gotten situated, sleep stole my mind faster than usual, and just like that, my dream started. More like my nightmare. I knew what it was before I heard it, this is the day of my family's death. This dream was like the majority, flashes and slivers of moments that transpired. Then, like my dreams always did, I felt the earth shake. I raced out of the class and into the other third grade classroom. I grabbed my brother and pulled him out the door.

"Stop! Stop it! Let go of me!" He kicked and screamed as I managed to drag him out of the school.

"Look," I pointed towards the sky,"I'm just trying to help you."

"I don't want you to help me! I don't like you and I-" He never got to finish that sentence, because he had been blown off of his feet, cracked his skull, and had died.

I bolted upright, shaking. "Dallas." I whispered to myself. That was my brothers name, and I barely ever said it, much less thought about it. The thoughts flooded my mind and I attempted feebly to refocus. I gave up a after about five minutes of wallowing in my depressing prison of a brain.

After about an hour of calming myself down, I realized that the sun was already overhead. I've gotta admit, I always have been a heavy sleeper. I jumped out of the tree, wiped my eyes clean of the few tears that had escaped me, and then headed out to find something to eat. I was heading towards the city, feeling numb and on edge. I was ready for an attack, poised and ready.


I would first like to say that I didn't realize how short this was when I wrote it... Oops.

So this is a tiny filler and so is the next one, but I pinkie promise it gets better.

Thanks for reading!

I'm the next AvengerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora