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11:42 pm. That's when I felt three other people enter Stark's house. I gleaned information as Tony and Dr. Banner spoke to them. Again, I listened to their conversation.

"- are we here? Agent Romanov and I have- to attend to." One of the men said.

"Give Stark- break Clint. Maybe this- important." Agent Romanov stated.

Somehow, she reminded me of myself.

"Is Thor- us? If so, should- brought my raincoat?" The other man laughed. Everyone else began to laugh as well. I was tired of not knowing who these people were. So I bombarded the first guys' brain. I felt him grimace as I overtook him.He tried to talk, but I stopped him. His name, Clint Barton. Alias- Hawkeye. The other man was Captain America, the girl was Natasha Romanov. I was done figuring him out, when he turned the tables on me. He pulled my name away from me. I gasped and dropped to my knees.

I finally ended our connection. I was on the ground, shaking. I knew that they would be on their way now. I rolled onto my back and readied myself for the inevitable brawl that was nearing.

About ten minutes later, I began to hear a rustling in the underbrush.I sprang up and began to climb my tree. I folded my wings, this would be a ground battle.

I heard a slight sliding noise coming from behind me, Hawkeye was about to shoot me. I bent his will to mine and his foot slipped off of the branch and he crashed through the branches and onto the ground. As he hit the ground, he let the arrow fly, sticking a fraction of a centimeter away from my shoulder. I leapt out of the tree and bolted from my hiding spot.

One thing I didn't say earlier was that around noon, I began rigging trip wires throughout this place. As if on cue, Captain America did a summersault into a tree. To bad he didn't pass out.

Black Widow swung off of a branch and landed with cat-like agility. She swept her foot out to trip me, but I bent her will, and her leg stopped mid-swing. Her eyes showed some confusion, but she carried on. I decided to see if she could beat me mentally. I burst into her mind, taking control of her actions. 'Hello Natasha, how are you?' I thought. She fell to the ground, not being able to control herself. Her breathing was heavy as I wore her out. Then the Captain began to stir on my right. I ended up making her black out. I mean, I didn't want to kill them.

"Young lady, I don't want to fight you. Please surrender and come back with," He looked horrified as he looked over at Black Widow.

"It's not what you think, I just knocked her out ok?" He backed me up against a tree and I began to panic. He raised his shield to hit me with it, but I began to charm speak to him. "You really don't want to hurt me, do you?" He was resisting well but still shook his head. "Put your shield down then, ok? And go help Natasha." He simply walked over to her and left me alone.

As I turned around, pain erupted in my left arm. Hawkeye ran over to me, and began to usher me westward in the forest. I turned around to face him, not wanting to give up quite yet.

"Can you at least take this out?" I gestured towards the tiny needle-like weapon. He gently held my arm, as he twisted it out. I felt like screaming, it hurt so bad. But I just dug my nails into my hand. I finally had had enough, and took over him again. I made him hand over his bow, which took a lot of willpower, mine and his. But I finally had it strung around myself. He looked really mad at this point, but I pushed my luck and got him to give me an arrow as well. I pulled the bow back, and left his mind.

"I really don't want to hurt you guys, but your forcing me to do this." He glared at me.

"Come back with us, and give me back my bow, Skylar."

"You know my name? How?" I stuttered. He looked at me, I felt a hint of compassion emanating from him. He didn't say another word.

He reached for my arm, and I didn't stop him. But what I did do, surprised even me. I jammed the end of the bow into his stomach, as someone behind me, punched my shoulder. I dropped the bow and arrow.

They both grabbed one of my arms, and lifted me up. I would have to manipulate someone one more time. The Captain walked into sight, I overtook his mental defenses, and he involuntarily threw his shield, hitting Natasha. I swung out of Hawkeyes' grip and ran while they were recovering.

I heard Captain America grunt as he threw his shield again. This time it was headed to me. It hit my back, I flew forward, I heard a crack as I hit a tree. It was probably my skull shattering. And then I blacked out.


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