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"She's lethal, and is a force to be reckoned with. You said that you two would work with her first right?" Nick asked. I heard two people reply. I couldn't tell who. "Banner, get the blood sample as soon as we are done here." Nick commanded. I closed my eyes. I sighed. Why did they need a blood sample?

My thoughts were interrupted as Dr. Banner walked in.

"Just take it." I jutted my arm out towards him. His brow furrowed. He took my arm and put it down on my lap.

"You know that we aren't trying to hurt you right?" He said, sounding sincere.

"You wouldn't understand why I don't trust these people, no one would." I said with flames of anger filling my words.

"Then help me understand." He confidently spoke. I grabbed his hand and melded my whole consciousness with his. He didn't resist, and I began to literally relive my memories.

The world blurred and refocused a few seconds later. We were standing, looking at a girl on a hospital bed. She, was a younger version of me. Man, I was a cutie. The doctor sat down on the bed.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you were the only survivor. Your brother died, I'm truly sorry."

"How could you let my brother die?! How!? I hate you!" My younger self screamed over and over again. I felt Banner pat my shoulder, in an attempt to comfort me and I smiled as the world blurred again.

I was now throwing knives at a dummy that was set up in an old storage room. The only Shield employee that I could stand had set it up for me. His name was Phil Coulson. I heard a saddening sigh come from Banner as he saw Phil.

"Now, let the knife go, right after you flick your wrist. Here, Let me help." He said as I stubbornly tried to move out of his grasp. He corralled me over to the target again, this time holding my wrist. He pulled my arm back, and at the optimum moment to release, I did, sticking the blade deep into the dummy.

"We did it Phil!" I cried happily. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed, as he returned the hug. He pulled back and smiled.

"Now, lets have you try it by yourself this time, ok Sky?" He said, as he pulled the knife out. I happily took ahold of the blade, and flung it through the air. As the blade made contact, the world blurred yet again.

An ear-piercing scream rang out.

"Agent Coulson, we are relieving you from working with test subject 305." Nick stated, his face emotionless. Mini-me screamed her bloody murder again. It took five guards to hold me back from Phil. Phil bowed his head, smiled gently at me, and was escorted out of the main room. I choked down a sob, and almost ran to Phil. I knew that I would gain nothing from that though. I closed my eyes and let a tear glide down my face.

When I opened my eyes, the doctors stood in front of me, fury in their bloodshot eyes. The little me had her hand out, poised in manipulating position. One of the doctors lurched forward, and little me squeezed her hand shut. The man yelled and screamed as his body began to bleed. His whole body was covered in a few short seconds. I heard him try to yell, but blood spurted from his mouth instead. Then, he slumped down and he died.

The second doctor, the one who had told me that my brother had been killed, leapt at me, and pressed a needle with power-dulling capabilities into my shoulder. Little me held back a cry of terror. He began to choke me, his muscly hands locked onto my neck.

"Now, are you going to cooperate? You little piece of-" he was cut off when I pushed my mind into his.

Notice that I said it had 'capabilities', thus making this vial a prototype. He screamed as I pulled his identity from his body. He cried out as I had him pull out his knife. Little me grinned.

"Now, are you going to cooperate? That," he stabbed one of his eyes," was for not saving my brother. That," there went the other eye," was for taking away Coulson. And this,"the blade now hung from his throat," is for experimenting on me." I opened the door as he bled to death, right next to his partner.

The final time the world unblurred, we were sitting back in my little prison cell. I unlaced my hand from Banner, and dipped my head.

He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I understand now." He uttered. He pulled me into a half hug, and sighed. "I think I should tell you something. It's going to be hard for you to hear. But Phil, he died. Loki killed him last year." He said quietly. I simply spread out my arm, and he got my hint. I would open up to him later, after I figured things out.

I didn't even realize that the needle had went in my arm, let alone that it had been pulled out. He took off his doctors gloves, and gave me another hug. I smiled, and when I did, it all came out. I cried uncontrollably, sobbed into his shoulder, for who knows how long. I balled up big wads of his shirt in my hands to make sure I didnt hurt him, or me for that matter. He never said a word the whole time. He just patted my back as I acted like a hormonal teenager.

"I... thank you. You can't possibly know how good that felt to show someone else those memories. Please don't think that I'm a killing machine now, because I'm not." I said, while still holding myself in his embrace. He let me move away from him and I wiped my eyes.

"I would never think that. You are brave and strong and very smart. You protected yourself, and stood up to people that could have killed you. If anything, I think you are already an Avenger." He smiled. "Now make me a deal. Now that you've gotten out your anger, can you try to forgive and forget. I know that you won't ever love Shield or anything, but can you try not to hate it here?" He spoke level headed.

"Deal, but you have to answer me one question in return. Why did they need a blood sample?" I bargained. He looked at the door. He tapped his temple, he was going to think it. I quickly entered his mind. The message couldn't have been more clear.

They were trying to match my DNA. They were looking for where I came from. They were looking for my dad.


YES FINALLY! We are finally to the plot building zone!

It'll pick up a bit now and that makes me happy.

Leave comments so I know whatcha think! Thank you :)

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