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The first thing that I remember, was that someone was carrying me. I groggily looked up to see that Hawkeye was the one carrying me. The same guy that I had manipulated three times and threatened to shoot. I suddenly was hit by a pang of guilt before drifting back off.

"Hey, she's waking up guys." Someone whispered. I felt sore everywhere, and I was very bloody. My back felt funny too. People crowded around me, no one that I knew.

"Who, are you?" I managed to say. One of the doctors smiled at me. He whispered something to a nurse and she told all of the other doctors to get out of the room. One stayed by the door though.

"My dear, you are at a place called Shield. We came and stitched you up and helped make you better after that big bomb exploded." I was in shock. A bomb?

"Did you save my brother? His name is Dallas. I'm Skylar, his sister. Can you tell him I love him?" I innocently asked. The doctor grabbed my hand, and sighed.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you were the only survivor. Your brother died, I'm truly sorry." I went numb, my body shook violently, and I began to wail. Tears were flying down my face as the doctor tried to console me.

"How could you let my brother die?! How!? I hate you!" I screamed. I yelled that over and over until my voice gave out. I laid my head against my hospital bed and cried. I don't remember ever stopping, I must have fallen asleep.

When I came to, I felt a hand intertwined with mine. I groaned a little and opened my eyes. It was Clint. He gestured for the others to come over and see me. I saw Natasha, Dr. Banner, Steve, and lastly Tony. I wiped my hand across my face, to feel it wet with tears.

"Two questions. How long have I been out? And second, how long have I been crying?" I starred at them. Banner answered me.

"For about a day. And you've been crying for an hour at the least. Do you know why you were crying?" I felt ashamed to answer.

"I was dreaming about when the doctor from Shield told me that-" my shoulders heaved as a silent sob rang forth. A few tears spilled over, sliding lazily down my cheeks. "That my brother had died." None of them began to throw me a pity party, and that made me feel better.

I tried lifting myself up, but one arm had an I.V. stuck in it. The other hand had a heart monitoring device strapped onto it. Tony reached over and helped me sit up. 'Did you tell them about my wings?' I silently asked him.

"No, I didn't tell them that, but I told them pretty much everything else." He explained.

"Even the tesseract?" I blurted. Dang it. He smiled at me.

"No, but I will now. Her whole metabolism is ran by fragments of the tesseract. That's what the x-ray showed us." 'You took an x-ray of me while I was out?' I asked in his head. "Yes we did, now back to my story. She has these abilities because of the tesseract, and those can't be reversed. Neither can her, um would you mind?" He gestured to me. I rolled my eyes, and unfurled my wings. I got funny stares from everyone, except for Stark, who chuckled at their loss for words. I joined in too. I felt extremely better, my body heals fast as well.

Banner was the first to break the silence. "So, Shield did this to you?" I nodded.

"The people who actually transfused the tesseract and the bird genes, didn't make it very long though." He raised an eyebrow at me. "I killed them." I sighed. "With my mind."

"With the same mind control you used on us?" Steve asked warily.

"I call it manipulation, not mind control, but yes. In essence I just told their hearts to stop. Well, I actually did a little more than that, but I'll spare you the details." I grinned. I had always been proud that I had stood up to the men who had ruined my life. They were the only two people that stood in my way when I left.

"Why did you get inside my head?" Clint asked.

"At first it was just to see who you were, but after that it was only in self defense. I'm sorry guys." I confessed. "Why did you carry me back? Even after I threatened to kill you, you still carried me back here." I questioned. There was that soft smile again.

"Because you're just a kid. A very strong, independent kid none the less. And you needed somebody to help you." He stated with a hint of care.

I felt my cheeks glow a rosy red, and smiled. I reached out and hugged him. 'Thanks. It meant a lot to me. More than you could imagine.' I thought. I glanced outside after I was released from embrace, and I saw that it was dark.

"What time is it?" I asked. Tony proceeded to yawn, then everyone else followed suit.

"Time to sleep. You guys have rooms on the top floor here. Just pick whichever. Except for you." He pointed to me and Dr. Banner. "You two get to spend the night out here. He needs to keep an eye on you. Ok?" He concluded. I nodded and rolled onto my side. The others left, it was just me and Banner now.

"Good night, Doctor." I whispered.

"Good night, Skylar." He whispered back.


If you're reading this, thank you sososo much!

That is all

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