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"Come here." He had his arms open wide. I probably was squeezing him to death, but he didn't say anything about it. I felt sadness and a boatload of petty-ness well up inside of me.

"Tell Phil that his little Skylar said hi okay?" I yelled. Once I said that, Fury looked, well furious.

"Why did you tell her about that?" He fumed. His hand went to the back of Dallas's neck. I bolted forward and kicked Nick's feet out from under him. His breath was knocked from him as he hit the ground. He recovered quickly and grabbed for my foot. I began to charm speak instead.

"Stop, right now." He did. "Stand up and apologize to Dallas, and me."

"I- am very sorry. I shouldn't - have overreacted." He stuttered. I arrogantly smiled and crossed my arms. Fury glared at me from afar, as he and Dallas attempted for the second time to board the ship.

He waved over his shoulder, then bolted from Nick's side. He came over, hugged me one more time, then grabbed my hands. He pressed something into the palm of my hand and walked back to Nick. I quickly shoved my hands in my pockets, and waved one last time. Nick hopped into the helicopter after Dallas and they lifted off into the Tuesday morning sunrise.

Swiftly, I pulled the note out of my pocket. It said, "You've got wings, so you better be flying after me." I ripped the paper up, and scattered it in the wind that was flowing through the hatch.

I ran down the deck, and at the last second remembered Banner's warning about not using my wings. I leapt off the end of the ship anyways, dropping about one hundred feet, then carefully unravelling my wings. The wind ripped at my feathers, tipping me off balance. After a couple moments of disarray, I leveled out, and followed the sound of the chopper.

The whole hearing the helicopter idea went out the window. You wanna know why? Well lets just say, the Channel 7 Prime Time News journalists got some great shots of a UFS. An unidentified flying Skylar.

I was now completely lost. No sign of the air ship or the helicopter. I gave up trying to look after a half-an-hour of listening for rotor noises. I easily found a fairly large city, and landed on one of the skyscrapers. Actually, once I landed, I found out that it was a really large city.

Citizens milled around the streets, most with giant shopping bags that bounced at their sides. Some were holding hands, and some apparently enjoyed letting everyone else know that their wife had bought the wrong brand of soup. I slowly flew down into an alley, tucked my wings in, and then entered the busy streets. A crowd of girls bumped into me, and one of them had some very choice words for me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that this was idiot street. Did ya get that Hun, you look a little lost. Do you need me to say it slower?" She laughed. My tolerance for this one just disappeared. I stepped forward as her friends crowded around the two of us.

"Say that again bottle blonde. Or are you to scared? Huh? Are you shaking in your little heels? Try not to break an ankle." I snapped back. She and her friends gasped as I said that. I smiled. She stepped closer to me. I glared and stomped down on her toes. "I don't have time for your stupidity, so I'll just be on my-" She grabbed my arm and tried to spin me around. I just laughed and twisted her arm backwards. She gave a pathetic yelp, and tried to squirm from my grasp.

"Move. Now." I ordered. Her friends quickly scooted out of my way as I swiftly walked away. I heard the girl that I had hurt yell something in my direction, but I just kept walking.


After a couple of hours, I had walked out of the city, and into the middle of no where. No really, there was absolutely nothing but a dust covered road. My feet were dragging, I could feel blisters forming. The sneakers that I had were supposed to be light blue, but now they looked like the beach threw up on them. I groaned and kept trudging.

Like a mirage, small lights appeared as the sky darkened. I picked up my pace because I had to find out where they were keeping Dallas. I began to jog, and after another half-an-hour I finally arrived.

It was small, but still functional. Near the back of the tiny community was a large open building. From a distance, it looked like a police station. I shrugged and walked towards it. As I got closer, I saw that there was only an older man looking at a computer screen. I walked up to the glass doors, and slowly knocked. He whipped his head around to face me. I jumped a little. His face softened, and he stepped towards the door, and opened it.

"Can I help you?" He asked sweetly. I crossed my arms over my chest, and looked at my feet.

"I'm uh, just a little lost." I smiled wearily. He waved me inside, and towards a chair. I plopped down in the chair as fast as I could, happy to give my aching feet a break. He pulled up a chair across from me and tapped his chin.

"So, where did you find a jacket like that?" He pointed to the Shield emblem. I wiggled around in my chair, not knowing what to say. I looked around the room, and saw a folder with the same symbol on it. I relaxed a little.

"Where did you get a file like that?" I asked. He looked over his shoulder and sighed. He turned back and cleared his throat.

"You still haven't answered my question." He said a little exasperated. I huffed out a nervous breath.

"Well, I'm an employee. I was out running an errand and I got left behind. Have you seen a helicopter pass this way in the past few hours?" I questioned. He closed his eyes, and reopened them.

"No, I can't say that I have, and you seem a little young to be an employee." He gave me a knowing stare.

"Intern. But that's not the thing here. You see, if Nick Fury finds out that I'm not in that air ship when he gets back, I will most likely loose my job. Is there anything that you can tell me about the other Shield bases that they have?"

"Fury doesn't tell me much, but there is a base here in New Mexico. My colleague Jane and I could drive you there." He smiled. I stuck my hand out. He shook it.

"Skylar Mason." I stated.

"Erik Selvig." He smiled.


I'm very close to starting school so I will probably be less frequent with posting for a little while.

Most likely till October.... And I'm very sorry about that, but I'll be doing volleyball and apparently my Biology Class is going to be really hard.

So again, sorry but thanks for reading!

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