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By the time the bell rang signaling the end of the day, I was ready to bash my head against the wall. All day I had heard nothing but slurs and homophobia and criticisms, and I ached for the comfort of my home. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I rushed with everyone else directly out the door.

In the dense crowd of students, I almost missed the bent down blond frantically grabbing at scattered papers. At first, I was determined to simply ignore him like everyone else. That's what I would usually do anyway.

Unfortunately, my legs decided--for the first fucking time ever-- to be nice. I stuttered to a stop just after I had passed him, took a deep breath, cursed out whatever conscience I seemed to have recently found, and bent to help him gather up his things.

Despite being jostled and kicked by those passing me, Newt didn't notice me at first. I almost rolled my eyes when I saw the subdued smile on his face--because seriously, what the fuck dude? How could he possibly be smiling when people were literally stepping on him?!

Finally, as I handed him a heap of scrambled papers, he met my eyes. His smile seemed genuine but his eyes lit when he saw me, making me think for a second that perhaps it hadn't been. Then came clear confusion before a grateful grin made him flush a light pink.

"Thanks," he said, almost shyly. He gathered the papers into a folder and stood. As I followed, I realized that the hallway was nearly empty now.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Um--" Newt fumbled awkwardly with his things before he turned towards his locker. The combination came undone with a click, and somehow, miraculously, he managed to get everything in without an issue. "Sorry--I'm--kinda clumsy, sometimes--"

I snorted at that, and he let out an uneasy laugh. I glanced down the hallway then looked back at him.

"I wouldn't say you're clumsy," I said. "Maybe just unlucky?"

Newt's smile faltered a bit. I raised an eyebrow, but before I could comment he had repainted the big grin back on his face--like everything was okay in the world.

"Yeah," he said. "Unlucky."

unlucky (newtmas)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें