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Finn's eyes swept the room, and for a moment I didn't think he'd see us. Newt's luck seemed to be rubbing off on all of us though, because a second before he turned to go to the counter, his gaze caught mine.

He grinned in that disgusting way he always did. Like a predator tracking his prey, he stalked over to us slowly, drawing out each second painfully, smile growing eerily--

"Hey guys!" He said. "Mind if I join you?"

He sat down next to Newt on the long bench, forcing Dean to press himself uncomfortably against the wall. The three sat shoulder to shoulder, Finn's form forcing an impression onto an impassive Newt.

"Hi Finn," Newt greeted him emptily as if they were old friends. From what Dean had said, maybe they were. My heart was racing erratically, too many confused emotions running through my head.

"Am I interrupting date night?" Finn sneered. His eyes met mine and I glared angrily.

"Go away," I ordered, my voice lowered.

The tension seemed to mount. Dean began to whimper softly.

"Without any ice-cream?" Finn asked innocently. "Oh wait, you already got me some!"

To my horror, he reached across Newt and grabbed Dean's melting ice cream right from his hand. Newt seemed paralyzed as Dean immediately began to cry. A few heads turned in our direction. He took a long, painful lick, face scrunched up in leering enjoyment. My every instinct screamed at me to pounce on him.

"Actually, I'm not a big chocolate fan. Here you go, Newt!"

And he smashed the remnants of the cone right onto Newt's blond head.

He laughed. He fucking laughed, tossing his head back and climbing to his feet. It was sickening.

My fists were raised and there was fire coursing through my veins. I wasn't thinking and I wasn't feeling, and my body was detached from rational thought. Finn's eyes widened imperceptibly as I flew across the table at him, his own hands clenching in a fraction of an instant, baring himself to fight--

But Newt's arms wrapped around my waist and pushed me back. He stood in front of me protectively, ice cream dripping down the sides of his face, chin raised, chest heaving angrily. Dean was still crying so I grabbed him into my arms and clenched him to my chest, shielding him from the scene. I knew Newt was angry, but he didn't seem to radiate anything but absolute control; the power emanating from him was daunting, and every eye in the room seemed drawn to him like a magnet. As he faced Finn down, Finn's confidence seemed to waver.

"You're a coward," Newt spat after a moment of absolute, impenetrable silence. "You will never be anything more than a filthy coward, and I feel bad for you."

His chest was still heaving and a storm seemed to swirl around his feet, lightning cracking and thunder booming with his every word. His eye contact never wavered, never even eased, and the entire world seemed zoomed into this very moment in time. Dean was sniffing into my shoulder but I was too caught up in Newt to notice.

Finally, after a thousand years, Newt wiped some of the ice cream away, flinging it to the floor. Then he turned, walking with a confidence someone with an ice cream cone on their head shouldn't have had, but anything less than the power he was exuding would have been an insult to his finesse. He glanced back just once as he stepped out of the door, but only to make sure I was following. Of course, I was.

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