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It was raining the next day. As if everything else in the world didn't already suck, it also had to rain.

I was in a foul mood as it was. Alexis had called me last night, begging to get back together. Why? God if I knew--I had cheated on her after all. Either way, she didn't take my rejection well, and spent nearly 4 hours repeatedly calling and texting me.

And now, as I made my way to Physics, not only did I feel her angry glare on my back--I was also wet. I hated being wet.

"Morning," Newt greeted, once again, during Physics. Against my better judgement, I looked up. My eyes widened when I saw how wet he was, and I almost felt guilty for complaining at all.

"You're wet," I stated, as if it wasn't already obvious.

With a sly grin, he shook his hair out. He turned to me and shrugged.

"It's not that bad," he said. "Probably a good thing, actually."

"How do you figure?" I asked, although something told me I didn't really want to know.

"Well, I may have forgotten to take a shower this morning. Now I don't have to." He winked then, seemingly suppressing a peal of laughter.

Instead of laughing, I rolled my eyes. "Have you ever heard of an umbrella? It's this nifty device that stops the rain--"

Newt didn't seem to be offended by my blatant sarcasm. He laughed and replied, "Look, we've only got one umbrella at my house and my aunt needed it more than I did."

Before I could say anything more, class began and Newt turned his attention to Miss Jane.

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