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It struck me as odd when I saw Finn and his cronies standing by Newt's locker later that week. They were huddled around him and speaking in lowered voices. My every muscle tensed when I saw them, and I hurried over as fast as I could. Unfortunately the hallway was uncharacteristically dense, and it took me a moment to catch up to them. By the time I reached him, the three dunderheads had already dispersed.

"What was that about?" I asked, reslinging my backpack over my shoulder.

Newt's head was buried in his locker. His back was to me and I couldn't see his face. It took him a moment to reply, but when he did he turned to face me with a smile already painted on his lips. I stared at him for a moment. Something about him seemed off.

"Nothing, really," he said with a shrug. "They were just being their usual idiotic selves."

He looked as though he had already brushed it off. He closed his locker then met my eyes.

"Ooh!" he said, lighting up even more. "Guess what! The senior center organized a botanical garden this weekend, and they got shipments of strongylodon macrobotrys! Can you believe it? I really want to go see it, do you want to come with me?"

My immediate instinct was to laugh at his geekiness. Something withheld me from immediately responding though, and I had the strangest feeling it had to do with that look in his eye. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but it wasn't Newt at all.

It didn't make sense though, because he was still peppy and excited and overall very puppy-like. He looked hopeful and like Finn and his friends didn't even exist, didn't even bother him. So I rolled my eyes and replied as begrudgingly as possible, "You'll have to force me."

Which Newt already knew meant 'yes, of course, anything for you'.

His grin widened and he hugged me quickly before setting off for the front exit, knowing I would follow. And still, there was something about him that was missing.

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