The Beginning//Chapter 1

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(Y/n)=Your name
(L/n)=Last name
(H/c)=Hair color

~~~~~~~~~~~~(3rd perspective)~~~~~~~~~~~~
The cool autumn air tickled and pricked at the skin of (y/n) (l/n) as she made her way down the London streets.
       Today, the usual loud chirping birds didn't chirp and the sun was hiding under very dark stormy gray clouds; on this Monday morning, (y/n) was making her way to the UN meeting hall. It was just as she walked that things were just so.....unsettling for the (h/c) girl.
       Ever since she woken up from her hotel room this morning, it has been pouring buckets outside and the wind was making eerie howling noises that sounded like something was in agonizing pain. She knew that england had stormy weather but this type of storm had NEVER happen in her previous visits. She even thought she was in a scene from one of Alfred's horror movies, only if it wasn't for the mobs of people that walked through the London streets.
      She finally shook her thoughts aside as she saw the London UN Hall come into view.
      No, she was not a country but her lifespan was the same as them. Back during the First World War, a nuclear plant in Russia was bombed and everyone from the village died from the radiation spill. Everyone except for an asleep 17 year old (y/n). The government of the Soviet Union put (y/n) into a secured secret place and she stayed there asleep for 31 years. During the first 4 years she aged but as soon as she hit 21 she stopped. No one could understand why and after years of trying they abandon the secret project and left the lab abandoned. She continued to stayed there asleep until a year after the 2nd world war. Her radiation had worn off and she had finally awoke. She only had one problem...

Her memories...

     She couldn't remember a thing about her life and had only known her name from a dusty patient bracket on her arm. (Y/n) soon was able to get out of the building but was met by the Russian government who was notified of movement in the old secret building. The Russian government found out she couldn't age and were astonished. She thought she was going to get experimented but instead she was brought to a place called the UN. There she met the countries and had found a new family in her new life.

     70 years had passed since she had met the countries and it was the year of 2016. This year world meeting has been held in London, the capital of England. She has been the England so many times but this time it was very unnatural and she wonder if it's representative, Arthur Kirkland, was okay. She had heard that depending on how the representative was doing had an effect on the country.

     (Y/n) had finally made her way to the meeting room in the UN building and it was more loud then usual. The yells sounded angrier then usual and she open the door, unknown of the fate that waited....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(1st perspective)~~~~~~~~~~~~

        I opened the large grand door of the meeting room to see utter chaos. Usually there was just yelling but this time fist were being thrown and items flew across the room crazily.

        'What in the world is happening....'

        I stood there with my mouth open appalled and had no idea what to do.


        "Oh (y/n) I neeed-d your help. *hic* America said something to England and a-all hell broke loose *hic*."

          I turned to my right to see Ukraine running and hiding behind me as she sobs into the back of my (shirt/dress/jacket). I felt bad for poor Ukraine so I nodded and told her

           "I will try to break it up but I need you to help get Russia, Belarus and everyone else calm alright?"

           I smile to reassure her and walk to Alfred and Arthur shouting at each other in the face.

          As I walk forward I hear them from across the room arguing about something back when America was becoming independent. I run over quickly and pushed my way through the crowd and fights as soon as I see Arthur pulling out his wand.

       I break through but stumble and fall on the ground as I tripped. I go to get up but I see Alfred grab Arthur arm and point England's wand towards the ground near me, obviously not seeing me.

       The white tip of the wand change a dark ruby red and it fired in my direction. Everything went in slow motion. Ivan yelled my name and I saw him pushing through Arthur and Alfred to get to me. Arthur and Alfred realized there mistake and eyes widen as they see the blast coming my way.

       The blast hit me and the ground cracked underneath me and I fell through black and purple a spiraling tube. I look up to see Ivan reaching to grab me but the hole closes back up.

      I start to scream as I fall and move my hands around to try and grab the wall of the dark tunnel with glowing purple specks. A red light can be seen at the bottom, I'm blinded as a I close my eyes.

     I hit the ground but it doesn't hurt. It feels like I'm being held. I open my eyes to be met with a crimson red and brown hair. I blink my eyes and realize I'm being held by a man that looks similar to Ivan but he has brown hair, red eyes, a red scarf, a black and red cloak and had a shovel on the ground.

     "Who are you девушка... Why did you come from a hole in the ceiling...."

        He speaks in a rough voice as he glares and frowns at me.

         'Oh no.....what did England get me into.....'


девушка = girl

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