Flavio The Fabulous//Chapter 8

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Veronica sashayed to answer the door and I'm left in an thicc silence with the girls; Each of them instantly fix their hair and reapply their makeup.

"This guy must be a big deal..." I mutter to myself as I help kuma take out the bows in his hair.

          "Oh~ Veronica darling~ how are you?~" an Italian flamboyant accent is heard from down the hall.

"Oh! Mr. Vargas I'm doing very well~ Today I want you to meet someone very special~" Veronica replies happily.

'Vargas? Isn't that Lovino and Feliciano's last name?'

I hesitantly look over to kuma as I stand up; the bear went very tense. He looks and whispers 'stay behind me'; he silently walks in front of me.

Veronica sashays back into the room and in follows what looks like Lovino/Romano's 2p; Compared to his tsundere 1p he had this sort of sparkling aura about him.

"This will be one of our main attraction for the party~" Veronica explains to Romano while gesturing to us, "I found her out and about in the main square with this adorable bear~. I couldn't help myself~"

Romano flashes me a kind smile and walks around me a few feet away examining me.

'Wow his smile is really like Italy's. I guess anything can happen in this world...even seeing a almost identical Romano smile.'

"Well I need to work my magic touch on... what is your name?" Romano's 2p asks.

"(Y/- Starlight" I reply to him.

"Well I need to work my magic touch on starlight here~ so I need some alone time~" Romano says while sashaying to Veronica with his back facing us.

"Of course Mr.Vargas! Come on girls let's give them some alone time~"

As the girls leave I hear kuma start to growl. Kuma growl unnerves me and I had now wish the girls had stayed. As the final girl leaves she looks at me with sad eyes before shutting the door with a loud thump.

     'This isn't good' I think to myself as I gulp

        The large room is eerily silent for a couple of moments before Romano's 2p finally turns back around to face us. The once kind smile he had on was now replaced with a sickening sadist one; Kuma growls even harder and stands up on his hind legs to show dominance.

        "Now~ Now~ kuma~ we don't need any trouble do we?~" Flavio teases, "I'm just curious on why you are with this cute Bella woman~."

       He puts his hand in his white jacket pocket before pulling out a sharp pocket knife.

        "Now~ we don't need matt and everyone else to find out your here~ Do we?" Flavio says giggles.

       Kuma gets down from his hind legs and huffs at Romano.

       "What are you talking about? They aren't here." Kuma replies, scoffing at him.

       "Well~ some of my brother's spies in England saw that the allies and their men were running around like chickens with their heads caught off looking for someone."

     He points at me before strutting over. He walks as close as he can to me with kuma blocking the middle of us.

      "I'm guessing that someone is you, Bella~. Well my brother got especially confused when matt, the 2p Canada, was apparently found acting weird and defended you but wouldn't explain why~. So to find out he decided to host a party for all the 2p countries!!"

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