Into the Seashell Shoreline//Chapter 6

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          A cold tear falls down my face as I wake up to a dewy sunshine morning; my hand touches my cold face and wipes the other tears away to clear my vision. I wish I knew why I had been crying but I couldn't remember. I, for some reason, knew it wasn't a dream or felt somehow a lost memory.

           I sigh in frustration and look up to the sky. After laying on the ground I realize the ground was slightly moving and...breathing?

           'Wait? Is there some sort of earthquake?'

          I slowly sit up and blink. Once. Twice. Then cracked a smile. I have just realized I been sleeping on kuma, it was pretty obvious now because I was looking at kuma's polar bear butt.

            "Good morning sleeping beauty..." kuma sarcastically says.

           "Hey! Who are you calling sleeping beauty??? You just wake up early!" I reply back, snickering. I was really proud of coming up with a comeback for once in my life.

           "It's one o'clock in the afternoon, genius..."

'There goes my confidence...'

           I huff in defeat and the polar bear lets out a chuckle. I decide to jump off kuma to give him a break from carrying me but instead of landing gracefully on my feet... I fall flat on my face.

'Great job (y/n)!' I sarcastically think to myself

Kuma notices but didn't care as he snorts and continue to move on. I stand up about to yell at the bear but stop when I notice we are in a beautiful blue and purple flowered field. I gasp in surprise and forget about kuma laughing at me and walk a little behind kuma taking in the scenery and smells.

The flowers here had an wonderful refreshing scent in the morning....well now afternoon. After a few minutes, I weirdly could smell a.... salty smell?

'Wait are we near the ocean?? We were just in Cambridge??'

"Kuma how far did you go??"

"I've been up since sunrise.... just a few minutes ago I saw a sign that said we were in Thornham, Eng-"

Kuma suddenly stops talking and I look at him in confusion. Kuma looks at me with narrowed angry eyes before jumping up to me. I jump back to get away but he was too fast and bites on the collar area of my shirt before sprinting off with me.

"Kuma!! Let me go! What is wro-"

A bunch of cracking and snapping is heard in the distance from the direction of where we were. I look over to see a bunch of soldiers jumping out of the brush. Kuma starts zigzagging as they hold up there guns. I scream as they fire at us. Thanks to kuma's zigzagging none of the bullets end up hitting us but some did skim us, leaving cuts and burns.

Kuma suddenly comes to a screeching stop. He looks around in worry before dropping me out of his mouth and in front to protect me. I put my hand behind me to only feel the ground below crumbling. I quickly retract my hand and look behind me to see were at the edge of a steep cliff that fell into the deep blue ocean.

"Stay behind me (y/n)!" Kuma shouts as the soldiers reach our destination.

The soldiers take there positions and hold up there guns and knifes.

"On my command, men!!" The leader says

'Oh think!! (Y/n) think!!'


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