///4 o-clock/// EDITED

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I slowly open my crusty eyes, which felt so heavy to me and blinked around the room as the. After a little of waiting I look to my right and see the bright red clock read 4:35pm.

I slowly get up and hear my bones cracking. I let out of a sigh in satisfaction of the pleasing noice.

I left my arms above my head hoping to hear another crack but I pause before putting my hands on my shirt lifting it up. I slowly put my cold hand on my belly rubbing it.

"Am I getting fat?" I mutter to myself

I see that for some reason my stomach had a slight curve to it. It wasn't big, a pretty small difference but it was slightly weird. I start laughing and smile to myself a little.

"I should hold off on Oliver's Cupcakes for a while."

With one last look a put my shirt down and make my way downstairs. As I reach the last step I see a glass door at the way end of the hallway. I must've not seen it because of the arguing in the hallway earlier. I go to the door and open it.

"Hey Zhao look! Look at zhe beaver"

"Are you sure its a beaver Lutz? Cuz damn!"

"I will f**king end zou two..."

I let out a deep sigh as I see standing on the porch was Lutz, Zhao and Francois. All were smoking except Francois was the only one smoking something legal. I turn to go back inside but Zhao traps me in a hug.

"Nooooooo Kitten don't go!!! We were just kidding!!! Come hang out with us!!!"

I wanted to say no but Zhao gave me no choice and dragged me over to the group.

I sat down and sigh as I listen to their conversation. After I while I feel my eyes get heavy.

'What's wrong with me? Why am I so tired? I had about three naps today.'

I look down as my eyes droop and see Francois wrist watch.

'Only 4:45... if I fall asleep now I will upset my sleep schedule'


Alice? Oh ma god! If it isn't Lindsey's child. You remember me right Alice? Ms. chérie?

Hmm I guess not...

No matter! I'm one of your mother's friends! I'm known for as the one that owns the only bakery in town!

Oh! speaking of bakery! Come I'll give you a little treat!



Here I hope you like some cookies and tea. So are you dear? *giggle* I haven't seen you since you were about yae high... I hope you are well.


*sigh* I see... having Mr Wilson is such a pain. I remember back when I was in school he was the music teacher. The 2 part exams were horrible. I beat your musical test are just as horrible. He such a grumpy old man.

*sigh* I even heard his whole are brutes...

Right? They are aren't they?


Oh dear me look at the time! You should get home sweetie! It's almost noon and you don't want your mother to be worried...

"I'll save you"



I startled awake and fall off my chair. I whine in pain as Zhao and Lutz laugh and before i could stop myself I turn and shout

"What the f**K Zhao!"

They all turn to look. Their faces very surprised by my shouting.

"Hey (y/n) calm down. What's going on with zou today?" Francois asked; a worried tone in his voice.

I took a breath trying to calm down but, of course, Lutz opened his mouth.

"Yeah (y/n) what's wrong? You PMS'ing/IMS'ing?"

That was the last straw so I picked up Francois ash tray and threw it at him before storming off.

I made my way to the stairs before a hand grabbed my shoulder. I turn around angrily but, instead of Lutz, it was Francois.

"Are zou okay?"

"I'm fine" I muttered

He sighs before reaching into his pocket.

"Here have this... its your favorite right?"

In his hand was a coffee flavored chocolate bar. It was one of the others things that I grew to like in this world.

I grab it and slowly open it. I take a bite but....

For some reason it didn't taste its usual flavor to it. It for some reason seemed like I didn't love it anymore.

'They are right... something is wrong with me...but what?'

I'm jumped out of my thoughts as I felt my chin lifted upwards. I feel pressure on my lips as Francois  leaned in and kissed me. A bubbly feeling fills my body and I feel like I'm light as a feather.

In content, I close my eyes and sink into the kiss.

'Hmmm...Bubbly...just like the champagne he drinks...'

But as quickly as Francois kissed me, he pulled away and took my hand. He leaned next to my ear and whispered.

"I know this is sappy of me...but...if zou need anything tell me....no... tell us....ok?"

I nodded and blushed looking down at my feet. Embarrassed I had been caught. And as I looked down at my feet I saw his silver wrist watch.

It's 4:59 alMOst thEre JusT a cYClE aWay so geT reAdy AliCe....
Important: I changed 2 o'clock a little so check it out again. It's a small change but If you don't want to go back then basically I changed the orb scene and stuff because it contradicted with chapter 11.

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