Chapter 2

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~10 Months Later~

Leonie's POV:

As I lay in complete silence I heard an unknown male voice say, "It's her favorite song. Barry told me so. Besides we need her to wake up, I wanna know why the needles didn't go in." A few seconds later a women replied, "I don't care how she wakes up but I do want to know about the needles." After a few more seconds of silence I felt my eyes start to open and I sat up. I was face to face with two strangers. The guy said, "Hi I'm Cisco Ramon and your in Star Labs. That's Dr.Caitlyn Snow and we are here to help you since you got struck by lightning." I nodded and pulled the wires off me as someone ran in at super speed and I saw it was Barry. He smiled at me and said, "I'm glad to see you're awake. We have some questions but isn't it cool? I got super speed from the Particle explosion." I nodded and said, "That's cool that you got super speed." He nodded and Cisco said, "We have some questions." I nodded and said, "Go ahead and ask them then." He doses and smiled and said, "How come when we went to take your blood all the needles broke? How come Barry saw you use super speed to try to save him from the lightning? How did you do that? And do you feel any different?" I laughed and said, "Well to answer all of your questions, I am from a planet called Krypton. I was sent here when I was younger. I was born with these powers along with more. I am able to use them because of your yellow sun. And lastly, I have already figured out that now I can shapeshift, and control liquids." Cisco looked astonished and said, "How do you know all that? And can you tell me more about Krypton?" I smiled at him and said, "Krypton is my home planet. It has a red sun so I didn't have my powers then. I was sent to Earth to protect my baby cousin and little sister. But my pod was knocked off course and by the time I got here my cousin was an adult and my sister was already with a family. I was adopted by a family in Europe and lived there most my life until I moved here when I was 16. My cousin is Superman if you are wondering and I haven't seen my sister since before I left Krypton. I can fly and if you want I can show you all my powers if you have a practice area." Caitlyn smiled and replied, "We do. It's downstairs near the basement. I can walk you down with Barry and Cisco." I nodded and we headed down.

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