Chapter 11

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^Outfits Above^

Leonie's POV:

I woke up with a start before realizing I had fallen asleep with Barry on the couch. I stood up and headed into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. I made eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, pancakes, and toast knowing that with his super speed he had a hypermetabolism. I put all of it on the table and got out two plates before heading to Dylan's house next door and grabbing clothes that would fit Barry before heading back to my apartment. When I came in, Barry was waking up and smiled before saying, "Hey sleepy head, I brought you some clothes from Dylan's that should fit you and I made breakfast for you because I figured you would be hungry." He smiled before standing up and saying, "I am very hungry and also can I go ahead and change?" I nodded and pointed to the bathroom before heading to the kitchen and making me a cup of tea and Barry a cup of coffee, before heading to the table and setting them down. Barry was already sitting there and so I sat next to him and we ate while making small talk. After a bit, I looked up and he was looking at me funny. After a couple more seconds, he looked me in the eye and said, "How come you never date? Like I haven't seen you with a boyfriend since I first met you and I know it is not because they haven't asked you out 'cause I have witnessed many people ask you but I'm just wondering." I shrugged and said, "I don't know. I guess I'm waiting for the right guy. I just haven't found him yet." He nodded and we went back to eating. After we finished I Headed into my room and hurriedly got dressed before heading to CCPD with Barry. When we got there Barry headed up to the lab and I went over to Joe. He waved hello and I said, "Come over here please I have to talk to you." He nodded and followed me into the hallway where no one was. I took a deep breathe and said, "I am Krypta. That girl you saw with Flash." He rolled his eyes and said, "Really? You wouldn't do that you are so precautious. I don't believe you." I got kinda upset and said, "You really don't believe me?" He shook his head and said, "I'm not trying to be rude but I feel like your doing it for attention. Look Flash is a super hero. All you are is a really good detective. He probably doesn't even know you exist." I felt myself get angry and knew my eyes had started glowing at that moment. I tried to stop the lasers from shooting and flew a little off the ground before saying, "You may be a detective but you apparently aren't a very good one. As for your information, I'm also an Alien from the planet Krypton. Also, 'Flash' does know I exists. After all I work with him everyday." After saying that I landed back on the ground and ran out of the building. I went into the alley right next to it and pressed the button on my necklace before flying off.

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