Chapter 6

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Leonie's POV:

When we got to the crime scene, they called Barry over as I started taking pictures and looking around. He turned towards Joe after about 5 minutes saying, "Getaway car's a Mustang Shelby GT500. Shelby's have a rear super-wide tire specific to that model. 12 inches with asymmetrical tread. And there's something else." He walked up to where Captain Sing was standing with Joe and a third detective and grabbed a pen saying thanks before heading back to where he was before. He used the pen to scoop some type of manure up and smelling it. He put it in the evidence bag and turned back towards me and Joe and said, "You probably need to look at farms but I can triangulate which ones when I get back to the lab." We nodded and then Joe looked at me and said, "What do you think Leonie?" I looked at the body and said, "Well I would have to say that this kill may have actually been either accidental or they wanted to make a scene. Either they are luring you or they have just gotten cocky." Joe nodded and then I turned back towards Barry and said, "We need to hurry and get back to the lab because I doubt that sample will be helpful for very long. Besides, I have plans tonight with Oliver." Barry raised his eyebrows and I laughed before saying, "Not like that. We are going to go crash a wedding and then we are going back to my apartment to watch Netflix and hang out. Which I'm thinking about inviting Iris and ask Caitlyn if she wants to come." He nodded and said, "Well then we better head to the lab. Wouldn't want to be late for wedding crashing." I laughed and we headed towards CCPD. After a few minutes, I looked at Barry and said, "Why don't we race?" He laughed and said, "Because you would definitely beat me and besides people will notice you flying. Plus, we don't have our suits." I sighed and said, "You're so boring. But I hate that your right." He smiled and said, "Maybe we can race later when we finish but right now we have arrived at our destination." I laughed and we walked up to his lab. You see I work with Barry and Joe but not as a CSI or Detective. I help with their investigations and am able to notice things they seem to overlook. I also have a way to get into the criminals minds and how they think. I'm basically a modern-day Sherlock. Anyways, we headed up to the lab and started running the sample. After about 30 minutes of silence and running test, the computer beeped and we headed over to look. It matched to a special type of manure only used at 4 farms. We texted Joe the coordinates of all 4 and then I suggested to Barry that we should head back to S.T.A.R. Labs. He agreed and we were on our way.

Authors Note:

I'm sorry about the messy timeline but it leads up to the major parts of the plot. I'm super sorry if it doesn't really make sense right now. 


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