The Past

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It was the day Krypton was dying. I got into the pod. my father kissed my forehead, giving me a hug and saying, 'You must promise to look after your sister and Kal-El. They are younger and more naïve than you are. You must make sure they do not use their powers until they are ready." I nodded and he smiled at me, "I know you are scared, my dear, but you will do great things." I smiled and he went to see Kara and my mother came to me. She smiled sadly and said, "I will miss you my daughter but I know you will protect your sister and cousin well." I smiled and she handed me a bracelet. She smiled as she put it on my wrist and told me, "This will protect you but only if you stay true to Krypton and your mission." I nodded and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you, mother and father." She smiled at me and kissed my forehead when the ground shook. She closed the pod and Kara's and smiled, tearing up, "I will miss you both. Behave and be good, please. I love you." As we took off, I saw Kal-El's pod heading straight for Earth. As Kara got ahead, there was a rock that hit her pod and she hurdled off into space but I didn't have enough time to worry because shortly after a meteor hit my pod and sent me off as I passed out. When I came to, I was on what looked to be a white planet. As I got out of the pod I realized that I shouldn't have been able to breathe and as I looked around I realized I could see the Earth and I knew immediately that I was on the moon of Earth.

>>>>>>>Skip a few years<<<<<<<<

I had just seen what looked like a ship leave Earth. After a while, I realized it was headed towards me. I saw them land and I approached the person as they exited. I saw them look surprised and then come towards me. I asked if I could go back with them and he nodded before asking how I got here. I told him about my planet and how if I was on his planet I would be able to show him my powers. He agreed and we left as he was previously scheduled for. As we arrived on Earth, he told me to hide in the ship for a second before going out and talking to someone. After a few minutes, he came back in and told me to hurry along behind him. We left the ship and as we got out I saw all these beautiful colors and felt the start of my powers to come. It was weird because I felt like I was more powerful. I followed along beside the man and when we got back inside he told me he would be adopting me and helping me learn about my powers and control them.

 I followed along beside the man and when we got back inside he told me he would be adopting me and helping me learn about my powers and control them

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^^^^^Her Bracelet

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