Chapter 8

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Barry's POV:

After the tornado was stopped, I let out a breath. I noticed Leonie had fallen and I walked over to where she was before realizing she was unconscious. I picked her up and was about to run off when Joe looked at me and said, "Who the hell are you?" I knew I couldn't keep it from him so I raised my mask and he gasped before saying, "Why the hell didn't you tell me, Barry? You are running around getting yourself into trouble. Who is that you're holding then?" I shook my head and said, "I will always try to help people and it's not my job to tell people her identity. It is her decision." He nodded and waved goodbye before heading towards Mark Mardon and putting the cuffs on him. I ran back to S.T.A.R. Labs with Leonie. I laid her down on the medical bed and Cisco and Caitlyn came in and started hooking her to the heart machine. I stood there panicking before I heard someone yelling Leonie's name. I walked out into the hallway and saw Oliver. I waved at him and said, "Hey sorry she's in here. She got light-headed and passed out but she's probably still going with you just give me a second. I walked into the room and pressed her necklace making her look back in her normal clothes before heading back out and saying, "Ok you can go in now." He nodded and walked in before I heard Cisco start stuttering and when I walked in he turned to me and said, "You never told us that Leonie's friend 'Oliver' was Oliver Queen and she just invited us to go wedding crashing with a billionaire!" I laughed and said, "I'm sorry. I figured you knew." He looked offended and then all of a sudden Leonie shot up in the bed and screamed. I ran to her side and held her hand before she got quiet again and asked what happened. I slightly nodded my head towards Oliver so only she noticed and said, "You got lightheaded and passed out. It just surprised us so we brought you in here." She nodded and stood up before saying, "So are we going to go crash a wedding or what? Barry if you would like to you can come and Iris said she was coming too, so we have to go get her." Oliver nodded and then Cisco said, "Well Barry if you are coming I already got you a suit and girls your dresses are downstairs in my lab." I nodded and followed Cisco to wherever he was heading with Oliver right behind me.

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