Chapter 5

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Leonie's POV:

As I arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs I headed into the same lab I was in originally and I found Cisco and Barry standing there. Cisco smiled and said, "Alright you're here and I have a surprise! Follow me." We headed down towards the basement but stopped a floor above and Cisco lead me into another lab. He smiled and stood next to something with a sheet over it. He grabbed hold of it and said, "Alright I am very proud of this and I hope you love it!" He pulled the sheet off to reveal an amazing suit. I smiled and ran forwards hugging him saying, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love it so much your the best!" I walked over to the suit and he said, "I'm glad you love it I tried my very best on it. But I'll leave so you can try it on." I nodded and he closed the door and headed back up while I was left alone to change. After getting dressed I headed back up and when I got to the main lab they were all talking until Cisco came out and said, "Oh look at her! You look absolutely amazing! I am awesome at designing suits!" I smiled and when Barry turned around he stared at me with his mouth open and his eyes wide. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat and said, "You look awesome, Leonie! Now all you need is a superhero name!" I smiled and nodded and then turned to Cisco saying, "I also have a friend who will need one too. He has the ability to mind control and read minds." Cisco started doing a happy dance before calming down and saying, "Of course! I would love too!" I nodded and then we just started looking for more area's that have dark matter like Barry. After about 15 minutes Cisco stood up and yelled, "I know what your name is going to be! It's Krypta because it's like Krypton but more feminine!" I smiled and nodded saying, 'I like it! Krypta sounds really cool. Thanks, Cisco!" Then he smiles again and says, "WHat about your friends? Hmm, I think Telepo would work since he has telepathy basically." I nodded and we started working again until I got a call.

<<All phone calls will be in bold>>

J-Joe: Hey Leonie are you with Barry because we got a crime scene."

L: Yeah I am and we are headed there right now. Bye!"

I looked at Barry and said, "Come on. Our day job beckons." He nodded and I waved goodbye to Caitlyn and Cisco before heading out.

" He nodded and I waved goodbye to Caitlyn and Cisco before heading out

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That's her outfit^^

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