Chapter 1

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Hey, there!

I am Cheryl, my friends all call me Cherry. I am an only child and it works just perfect, I get all the attention from my parents. I have the most expensive things, we live in Wayne mansion wich everyone knows about because it is the greatest mansion in the city. I have a Porche, and it rides amazing.
The only issue with being the only kid is....loneliness. Sure, I have friends and a phone and whatever, but it's not the same. I mean those of you who have siblings are probably like... what is wrong with you, I would kill to be an onay child, but take it from me, it's not as great as it seems.

My school is not to far from me and I could probablywalk, but why do that when you can rock up to school like a minute before class and look totally smashing.

I am at school now, here comes my cheer squad
"Hey Cherry" Lauren our cap greets me "C'mon girl, let's go change your lipstick colour that pink is so not going with that swayed you have on."

Yip that's Lauren, she tells you the honest truth, but only when it suits her.

"Listen, hon, if you're going to keep squinting the mascara won't stay! Oh and my BTW you can not wear that today, we are going on a field trip you never know who migut be there. Look, I brought an extra set of clothes put them on and meet us at the cheer practise field."

" Lauren! We're not going to a mall, so you can shop for boys. We're going to a museum!"

" Listen, Cherry. I get it, you're mad, I was just telling you the truth you needed to hear. Your clothes aren't that great, and sure we're going to the museum but you never know which boys will end up being there. Besides don't you want to look cute for the soldiers there.  Alright girls, let's give Cherry some privacy."

Well, I guess these clothes aren't that bad. I mean in fact they are great! It's got a cute crop to with black lace and the cutest denim shorts.

I am going to the field now, I can't see the girls anywhere. Oh great,  they're behind the trees, they're probably stalking Derik again. Derik is to them the cutest boy in school, personally I think he's not that great!

"Hey, stalkers! How's Derik hair look, still silky?"

" Cher, Shut Up!! Or he'll see us."

" And what's so bad about that?" " Hey Derik, my friend Lauren thinks you have cute hair. She want's to touch it."

"Oh hi. Cheryl, tell your friends to buzz off we trying to play football here."

"Alright stalkers you heard him, let's buzz."

I know, I know you didn't think I would ever say a word to a boy. Well truth is Lauren isn't the only one who speaks up.

"What the he'll Cheryl! That wasn't funny, he probably thinks we idiots now."

"It wasn't? Cause I found it hilarious, you guys are creeps."

"Well fudge that, now he'll never talk yo me."

Well that was we have a field trip to go on. I know it sounds like a kindergarten thing but trust me our school has a very weird approach to punishment.

Wait.....just got a text from Viola, our school secretery, she says field trip is cancelled. Yipee, time to go home early.

Jeez, someone's visiting. Hold on a freaking second it's a crazy MylifeasEva fan, whoever it is has her as their no. Plate.

"No WAY SHUT UP!" I say just before fainting.

Hey guys! I am so excited that this chapter is complete please don't feel shy to leave comments and let me know if you enjoyed this chapter....Bye

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