Chapter 00: Curtain-raiser

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I maybe looked like Snow White, a beautiful young princess born with skin as white as snow,

Hair as black as ebony,

And lips red as the rose.

But I actually play the role of her stepmother, The Queen,

Who is jealous of Snow White's beauty and seeks her death.

I'm not as kind and optimistic as her.

Definitely not the happy person who sees the good in everyone.

I made the seven dwarfs my slaves.

And poisoned my prince by forcing him to eat the apple.

I maybe looked like Cinderella, but the truth is...

I'm one of her cruel stepsisters.

I'm her evil stepmother who forced her into servitude.

I trapped her fairy godmother inside the pumpkin and hid her magic wand.

Cinderella dreamt of going to the ball.

But I made it a nightmare.

I killed the Prince by planting the glass shoe in his heart.

I'm Ursula, the sea witch that made a deal with Ariel who trade her voice in return for humanity.

I'm not Belle.

I am the Beast.

I cut Rapunzel's hair. A princess born with long and magical hair.

And trade it to the evil witch.

They can see me as any of the Disney Princesses.

But the secret is,

I'm actually the villain in my own story.

Tell me I'm pretty,

But I'm still deadly.

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