The Begining

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Sarada walked back into the village with Konohamaru, Boruto, and Mitsuki. Konohamaru said, "Good work everyone, now Boruto, if you don't mind, the marble please."

"Oh sure sensei." Boruto says as he digs into his pocket and pulled out a green marble. He tosses it to Konohamaru, who flips out as he catches it. He yelled, "BORUTO YOU IDIOT!"

"What, it's just a marble." Sarada sighs as she watches them. She hated to do this but she was actually on Boruto's side for this one. Sarada sighs and said, "All this fuss over a stupid marble." Mitsuki was being quiet as usual. Konohamaru says, "You guys don't get it, this marble is really important."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just go and give it to my idiotic dad already." Boruto says as Konohamaru's eyes narrow, then he sighs. He shortly says, "Dismissed." After that he leaves. Boruto turns to say something to Mitsuki, but he is already gone. Sarada starts to leave, but Boruto says, "Sarada, wait for just a moment will ya?"

"What is going on, Boruto?" Sarada asks confused. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by Shikadai. Boruto grins as he says, "Just the other person I wanted to see!"

"Uh-oh, what is it?"

"Come with me you two, this place isn't private enough." Boruto says and walks off chuckling to himself. Sarada and Shikadai looks at each other, shrugs, and follow Boruto.

About less than thirty minutes later, they were on the top of the hokage mountain. Boruto stopped and faced them saying, "All right, we are out far enough!"

"What is this about, Boruto?" Shikadai and Sarada ask at the same time. Boruto smiled deviously as he pulled out a green marble. Sarada gasps as Shikadai tilts his head in confusion. He says, "It's a marble, so what."

"So what, you were supposed to give that to Konohamaru Sensei!" Sarada shouts as she points at Boruto angrily. Shikadai repeats, "It's a marble."

"Exactly, it isn't like anything is going to happen." Boruto says. Sarada punched him, which caused Boruto to drop the marble. The marble hit the ground, and broke. A green light had surrounded the three twelve year olds.

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