A Heated Conversation

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It was late at night when Sarada decides to sneak out. However she only makes it to the front door. A familiar voice asks, "Are you headed to see Grandpa Kakashi?" Sarada jumps and turns to see Boruto. She tightens her lips and nods. She says, "If we are going to try this, we'll need his help to get in."

"That is smart, however, is that all you want?" Sarada jumps at the question, was it all she wanted? No there was more to it than that. She said, "And to apologize to him in person." There was still another thing she wanted to know. But she didn't think Boruto should know that little detail. He said, "Alright, then I'll back you up then."


"I am your teammate, I better be there to back you up if something goes wrong, right?" She smiled at him and nodded. He might be an idiot sometimes, but she couldn't help but to like him.


Mitsuki stares at the scroll on the floor, not saying a word. He said, "Oh my." He picked it up and walked to the Hokage's office door. Still holding onto the scroll, he politely knocks on the door. Naruto's voice says, "Come inside." Mituki enters the room and holds up the scroll and points at it with a smile. He says, "I think we have an issue, Lord seventh." Naruto's eyes widen as he asks, "Who opened that?"

"Cho-Cho and Inojin."

"Wait, maybe that is why we can't find Sarada, Boruto, and Shikadai, they probably used the marble, this is bad!" Naruto quickly starts to write on a piece of paper. He put the paper on a hawk and sent it away. Naruto looks at Mitsuki and says, "Don't worry, we'll get them back soon, Konohamaru!" He came in right away, saluting Naruto. He wasn't alone, Shikamaru was with him. Naruto says, "I've got bad news you two." Naruto then explained the situation to them both. Afterwards, Shikamaru sighs and says, "What a drag, do you want me to get Sakura?"

"Please, I've already sent a message to Sasuke."

"Okay, so the four of us go and grab them all when Sasuke gets here?"

"That's the plan." Naruto says simply.


Sarada opens the window to Kakashi's hospital room, and slips inside. Boruto follows Sarada, and closes the window. A voice asks, "Who's there?" They both jump at first, until they realize that it was only Kakashi. Sarada sighs and says, "Sorry to visit so late, Grandpa Kakashi."

"Huh, Grandpa?" Kakashi asks confused. Sarada and Boruto sit down and explain the who mess to him. Afterwards, Kakashi says, "I see, that makes sense now."

"It does?" Both Boruto and Sarada asks in unison. Kakashi just laughs and smiles at them. "I was wondering why you guys looked like Naruto and Sasuke, now I know."

"So are you going to help us?"

"Of course, we can't risk changing the past, can we?" Both Sarada and Boruto smile. Kakashi had then grown serious and said, "However, I think it would be best if we let in Lady Hokage in on this."

"WHAT, BUT GRANDPA KAKASHI?!?" Both Sarada and Boruto exclaim in unison. Kakashi puts his finger to his covered mask. Sarada immediately put a hand over her mouth. Kakashi says, "Grandpa Kakashi knows best guys, you should listen."

"Sarada, he's right, after all, he is Lord 6th," Boruto starts, but Sarada covers his mouth too late. Kakashi points at himself and says, "I'm the sixth hokage?"

"Yeah, you are." Sarada says lowering her head. Sarada says lowering her head. Sarada looks back up to him with a guilty face as she says, "I'm sorry, about earlier, I don't like it when people sneak up on me."

"It's no problem, I understand."

"There is actually a question I'd actually like to ask you." Sarada looked awkward, as Kakashi and Boruto lifts their heads. Sarada asks, "Why is my papa not in the village?" Kakashi sighs as he stands and put a hand on Sarada's head. She looks up at him to see him smile a small smile, a saddened one. He says, "Your papa is on a special quest at the moment."

"Grandpa Kakashi, don't lie to me, I'm sick of everyone dodging the question."

"Are you sure you can handle the truth, Sarada?" Kakashi asks as his expression grows serious. Sarada says, "Of course I can."

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you, Sasuke has gone rogue." Sarada's eyes widens. How could he? Boruto says, "Actually I think Uncle Sasuke mentioned it to me once, although he never really told me any names."

"What, and you kept it from me, dobe?"

"You never asked, tema!" Kakashi giggled at the familiar name calling. Boruto had then said, "Uncle Sasuke told me that there was a man who sought power more than anything, and it consumed him, until a friend brought saved him." Kakashi closed his eyes as he listened to the story. Boruto says, "I wonder, if Uncle Sasuke is the man who sought power, no matter the method, is my sorry excuse for a dad the friend?" Sarada and Boruto thought hard. Sarada says "It does makes sense."

"Guys, it is probably best that you refrain from talking about the future."

"He is right, we shouldn't, I'll bring everyone here tomorrow, and we talk to Lady Tsunade." Sarada says seriously.

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