The Story of How Inojin and Cho-Cho got to the Past

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It was a while, but they were now back at Sasuke's old apartment. Shikadai asks, "If we were headed back here, why tell me to meet you at the Hokage Mountain?"

"To decieve mama and Lady Fifth." Sarada answers simply. Shikadai nods in understanding. She turns to Cho-Cho and Inojin and says, "Now explain on how you guys got here."

"You first." Cho-Cho says hoping she wasn't pushing her luck. Sarada then told them the whole story. Cho-Cho sweatdropped and exclaimed, "YOU KNOCKED OUT LORD SIXTH!" Sarada nods and says, "Now it's your turn."


Cho-Cho was waiting for Sarada at their favorite cafe. However, Sarada was late. That wasn't like her at all. Inojin and Mitsuki had then walked by as Inojin asks, "Have you seen Shikadai, or Boruto?"

"No, have you seen Sarada?"

"No." Inojin answers shortly. All three were deep in thought. All of a sudden, Konohamaru appears and says, "Mitsuki, I found one of you!" Mitsuki turns around and points at himself asking, "Me, what for?"

"Oh you know what, now lead me to Boruto!"

"But I don't know where Boruto is, sensei."

"Alright, if you want to play it that way, ALL THREE OF YOU ARE TO SORT OUT THE SCROLLS IN THE HOKAGE STORAGE UNTIL YOU GUYS TELL ME WHERE BORUTO AND SARADA IS!" He shouts not believing the three kids.

Later they were sorting out which scroll went where. Inojin had then picked up a scroll and read, "Time traveling scroll." Cho-Cho said, "OOH, that sounds interesting, wanna open it?" Inojin shrugs as he opens it. A light occurred causing Mitsuki to look back at them, only to find that both of them were gone.

Cho-Cho and Inojin blinks twice at the familiar room, however, Mitsuki was gone. Cho-Cho pouts and says, "He ditched us."

"I don't think so, Cho-Cho." Inojin says as he leaves the room. Cho-Cho says, "Hey Inojin, don't leave without me." She had then followed after Inojin. He had then stopped and peeked into a cracked door. A familiar voice had asked, "Did you find out who the brats are?"

"Not exactly, but what is weird is who the girl matched."

"And who did the girl match?" The familiar voice asks. It was quiet, too quiet, Inojin didn't like it. Then the second voice answered, "She matched in between Sakura, and..." The second voice pauses and gulps. She continues, "Sasuke Uchiha."

"WHAT!!!" The familiar voice calls out as she pounds the desk in. Inojin and Cho-Cho both jumps. They continue forward.


"And then we wondered around discretely until we found you." Cho-Cho finishes. This is really bad, I shouldn't have hugged mama, Sarada thought. Shikadai says, "Well, I don't know how they got a piece of Sarada's DNA, but we do have a way back to the future." Everybody looks at him with tilted heads. Sarada asks, "How?"

"If Cho-Cho and Inojin got here by scroll, that scroll may very well be in that room." Shikadai states. Sarada's eyes widens, that is true, maybe there is hope after all. Inojin asks, "Can we figure out everything tomorrow, I'm sleepy." Sarada smiles and nods. She has a right to smile, they could possibly go home tomorrow. However there was something she needed to settle first.

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