Segment 45

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"Marlene?" I ask over the phone.
"Yeh what's up?"
"I have a question about Tobias... I mean Four!" I quickly correct myself.
"Um... Okay."
"How do you know him?"
"I'm sorry Tris but I have to go." She hangs up and I groan in frustration. I don't even know if Tobias and I are together anymore. I can't tell him about my past and he won't tell me his. He is right, as usual. This isn't working. I am surprisingly calm about the fact that we could be over. I don't understand why I'm not crying and going to break Caleb's guitar again.
So far, no one has been able to tell me about Tobias because they are all "too busy."
"Hey Tris, what's up?" I can hear the loud music in the background and I know she is at a party.
"Where are you?" I ask.
"I'm on Will Street at Neon, the club."
"Fake ID?" I giggle.
"Do you wanna come? Will is here and it will be fun. We finally made up so all is good. Bring Four if you want."
"Four and I aren't together anymore." I say awkwardly.
"Even a better idea now. It will be fun."
"Nothing goes well for me at parties Chris."
"Please." She whines and I give in.
"Give me 10 minutes."

"What were you thinking?" My father booms as the policeman uncuffs me.
"I hate that restaurant." I shrug.
"That gives you no right to do grafitti on it! The restaurant has now band us from going and your mother is a wreck. You having ruined her love for her favourite restaurant and she is worried sick about you. What is the point of all this drama Tris? Where will it lead you in life?" My father demands as we walk to the car.
"I don't know. Why can't you just worry about perfect Caleb for once? He can't be so bloody perfect!" I yell, my hands in the air.
"Your brother tries harder than anyone I know. I know you could do it too."
"Well that explains why you don't know anything." I mumble as my father pulls out the carkeys.
"That's it!" My father crosses his arms and faces me, his face bright red. "I have tried to be good to you for too long! You know what? No more! If we are as bad as you tink we are then you can really experience that now. I don't want you coming home until you have finally gotten over this problem you have. No money or warm meals from us. No contact. Nothing. Let's see how you survive without those horrible parents of yours!" My father yells and I find myself surprised. Is he kicking me out?
"Yes, I'm kicking you out." My father answers my thoughts.
"Are you crazy! No! We are not kicking her out!" My mother wails as she hops out of the car.
"Yes we are. Now go Beatrice before I call the cops." My father hisses.
"You've got to be kidding!" My mother tries to grab me but my father holds her back. My father really doesn't want me. He wants me gone. I knew he did and he was just waiting for an excuse to do so. Without another word I spin around and walk in the other direction. The last thing I hear from my parents is my mother's cries.

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