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( Landon's POV)

I was in room reading a book when someone knocked on my window I opened it and saw Jace . " Hey bunny boy " Jace said with a smirk I tried my best not to blush it was so annoying yet so cute when he called me bunny . 

" Hey Wolfie what do you want ? " I teased " I was wondering if you wanted to go watch the sun set with me ? " Jace asked " Sure " I said " Great " Jace said he grabbed a hold of my hand I blushed really hard gosh why does he have to be so damn cute . He helped get threw the window and we went to a hill to watch the sun set I sat down and Jace sat right next to me .

 " Ahhh it sure is pretty " I said " Yeah " Jace said I was confused why did Jace want me to watch the sun set with me ? Does he like me ? no that's just crazy talk there is no way it can't be true or can it ? . " Hey Jace ?" I asked " Yeah ? " Jace asked " Why did you want to watch the sun set with me ? " I asked " Um well I guess I got bored " Jace said "Oh" I said then Jace moved closer to me we looked into each other's eyes .

( Jace's POV)

This was my chance just a little smooch on his lips I closed my eyes and as our lips were about to touch . " Hey Landon and ... Jace what are you two doing ? " Rebecca asked I moved away from Landon . " Nothing Becks " I said " Oh okay um Jace can I talk to you for a second ? " Rebecca asked " Sure " I said and I got up and Beck and I went behind a tree she gave me a mad face and slammed me against the tree .

 " Listen here Jace I don't think you know what the hell you're doing but I don't like it I like Landon and it seems you like him too right ? " Rebecca asked " No " I lied " I know you're lying Landon is mine got that ? " Rebecca asked " I'm not scared of you you're a deer I'm a wolf I could kill you in second" I said " I doubt that " Rebecca said and let go of my shirt and left I sighed and went back to Landon . " Oh there you are what did Rebecca want ? " he asked " Nothing it's not important " I said and sat down by Landon and we kept watching the sunset .

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