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( Landon's POV

Isabelle sighed " Just like you two I was gay I had a crush on Rebecca but she was falling for Landon and even if she didn't like me back I just wanted her to be happy so I chose to help her make Jace have nightmares I thought if I kept doing it  I might impress her turns out I was wrong she just wanted me for my magic " Isabelle said " Aww I'm sorry about that " I said " So without your help she can't haunt my dreams ? " Jace asked " Correct " Isabelle said and pushed up her glasses .

 " Well there you go you can stop helping her , I can stop having nightmares , and Landon and I can finally be happy " Jace said " Wolfie she can still hurt you  or worse with or without Isabelle's help " I said " Ugh I guess you're right bunny " Jace said " Then we need a plan " Isabelle said " Yes and a hella good one too " I said . 

( Jace's POV

" I got a idea I can go home and go to bed then Isabelle you are going to find Rebecca and help her  make me have another nightmare " I said " What ? are you crazy ? that is just bullshit " Isabelle said angrily " Yeah Jace let me at least come with you " Landon said " No Landon this is my fight not yours " I said " Wait I got it when you go to bed tonight I can help Becks give you another nightmare but if we kill  her in the dream she will *gasp* die in the real world " Isabelle said and sighed sadly.

  " Exactly " I said " Look I'm sorry Is but if we don't do this Jace will die Rebecca will kill him " Landon said " I know I know it's just I wish she would notice me " Isabelle said and  a tear went down her eye . " It's okay you'll find someone I just know it " Landon said and hugged Isabelle . 

Then I got off Jamie's bed and put my sky blue button shirt back  on and Isabelle waved goodbye to us and left I was about to leave but Landon pulled me into a kiss . " Promise me  that you will be okay ? " Landon asked " I promise don't worry about me Cottontail " I said and kissed him back and left sorry Rebecca it's been nice knowing you but you are dying tonight !.

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