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Michael sprinted towards the elevator and then towards Marissa's room as if his life depended on it. Upon entering, his heart sped up watching Marissa sitting up on her hospital bed eating a fruit cup.

She turned her head towards Michael and smiled.

"Hello" she said.
"Hi" he replied out of breath.

He wasn't sure if he was breathless from the running or from her beauty even after a terrible accident.

Michael instantly saw the large blue and green bruise on her left cheek and throughout her body as well as the large scratch on her forearm which will definitely leave an everlasting scar.

The doctor had informed him one of Marissa's ribs were fractured and her right ankle was twisted when the car fell on her. She would be walking using crutches and sometimes a wheelchair if the pain is too much.

However, that wasn't the worse news. The doctor informed Michael that Marissa had lost a significant amount of memory after her concussion from hitting the ground very hard.

"How far back does she remember?" Michael asked.
"We're not sure, we were hoping you could help. Ask her questions from as far back as you know and start from there" The doctor replied.

Michael sat down in the cushioned seats next to Marissa's bed and stared at her while the doctor signaled from him to start.

"What's your name?" Michael asked.
"Where were you born?"
"Do you have any siblings?"

Marissa shook her head.

"Did you always live in Minnesota?"
"Where did you live?"
"Do you remember a woman named Wilma?"

Marissa let out a tired smile before nodded. Her name brought so much happiness and joy.

"Were you married?"

This time, Marissa could not answer. She tried going back in time in her mind to remember anything that signified she was married but... nothing.

"I- I dont know." She said softly.
"Do you have a child?" Michael gulped hoping she could remember the person who had made her the happiest all these years.

Again, Marissa was clueless.

Michael looked at the doctor who signaled that was all he needed to know.

"Theres a man here who is listed as her emergency contact, someone named Lincoln Monroe. We've been trying to contact him but no answer" the doctor spoke.
"I don't know him personally" Michael said angrily.

Meanwhile, Marissa was in so much pain. Every motion she did resulted in a wave of pain, especially breathing. Her fractured rib was intolerable but she kept a straight face in order to not frighten the unknown man who was asking her questions. Taking a closer look at him, he was so handsome. His light blue eyes shimmered under the light and his physique was gorgeous. Marissa wanted to know more about who that man was sitting next to her.

Marissa watched the doctor leave and slowly rested her back onto the hospital bed in a laying position.

"Who are you?" She managed to asked.
"I'm your hu-"

The door opened and in came Lincoln.

"Oh, baby what happened to you?" He said rushing to her side to hold her hand. "Doctors told me you lost your memory"

Marissa nodded unsure who he was.

"Well, I'm your fiance" Lincoln spoke. "We were about to get married but now this happened" He said sadly.

Marissa starredd at him. His blue eyes were much darker then Michael's but he was quite a man himself. He had a much bigger built then Michael and something about him screamed powerful.

"I'm Lincoln" he said introducing himself.

Michael watched the play Lincoln put on interestingly seeing if he was ever going to mention his daughter.

"Why didn't you come see me sooner?" Marissa inquired.
"I didn't know anything babe, I found out after seeing it on the news" He lied.

Marissa nodded.

"The phone they have written down is old. It's not my number anymore" he added.

Lincoln turned his head and smiled at Michael.

"Michael, it's good seeing you" Lincoln said putting his hand out for Michael to shake.

Michael ignored it and stood up.

"I'll visit you tomorrow" Michael told Marissa before leaving the room.

He didn't know what to make of the situation. He was hoping Marissa losing her memory would allow him to reestablish himself as her husband but Lincoln ruined it all.


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