✍Chapter Six✍

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Thank you so much oreoluwaeunice for the covers, although I chose this one. I love it ❤❤
I love you 😭😭

Six | Candy and biscuits

Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in it's defense— Mark Overby


Kemi was very impressed when she stepped into Nnamdi's house. His living room had a lush decor.
The walls were painted deep blue, sky blue and white and it looked so heavenly. There were lava lamps on either side of the home theater system which comprised of a large high definition television, two large speakers and two little ones, a DVD player and a DSTV decoder.

There was also a plush zebra striped rug at the center of the living room which had a glass table on it. Kemi smiled when she noticed a large brown teddy bear resting on the side of the sofa.

"You have a very beautiful place," she admitted finally.

"Thanks." Nnamdi had watched her keenly as she admired his living room and he could tell that she was really impressed.

"Please make yourself comfortable," he said while handing her the DSTV remote control.

"Thank you," she mumbled while sitting down on the zebra striped couch. She glanced at the TV, she was surprised he had been watching The Boss Baby. "How old are you? I never tagged you as a cartoon lover," Kemi said laughing.

He shrugged, "I'm 26 and what do you think I watch?" he asked smiling.

26? she thought. We're compatible I'm only 23.
Kemi you see your life!

Kemi pouted, "Horror?"

"Ouch, I hate horror," Nnamdi laughed. "I'll be right back."

"Okay thanks."

Nnamdi left the living room wondering while she kept thanking him. He then realized that he hadn't even offered her anything. Some host! He scoffed.

Minutes later, Kemi sat and watched him as he worked on his Mac laptop. She was mesmerized by the way he flexed his fingers while typing on the computer, he was concentrated and relaxed.

Kemi admired the house again.
She noticed a painting of a beautiful aged lady hanging on the wall behind her.
"Who's this?" she asked curiously.

"My grandma," he answered without looking up.

"I ermm... I heard she was sick? Is she better now?"

Nnamdi looked at her with a raised brow, how did she know about it? he wondered. Nifemi probably told her because she was there when he had asked for an early leave. Did she ask about me?
"Of course stupid she was probably wondering why she was coming to give you files at home," His mind reminded him.
"She's better now thanks for asking," he finally said.

Kemi looked at the juice on the glass table, it had been enough to quench her thirst but she was a little bit hungry. She had missed breakfast this morning, she signed wishing that she had listened to her nagging mother.

"Kemi eat oh, see how thin you look. How will get husband looking like broomstick," her mother had complained when Kemi had said she was leaving without breakfast.
The woman exaggerated a lot.

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