Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Isabell’s P~O~V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          Sabrina jumped through the purple mist right as it closed. Immediately we found ourselves in the middle of a forest and in the middle of a war. There were sword fights, arrows being thrown and everyone was screaming their battle cries.

          Nobody seemed to notice us there except for 2 people who ran right into us.

          “Get out of the way!” The girl with short blonde hair and brown eyes screamed. “Wait. What team are you on?” She asked immediately confused.

          “We’re not on any team.” I said raising an eyebrow and shooting Sabrina a confused look.

          “What do you mean not on a team? Everyone gets a team when playing Capture the Flag.” The girl said.

          Now it was the boy’s turn to speak he turned the girl and whispered a little too loud in her ear.

          “I don’t think they’re playing Capture the Flag. I think they’re new.” He said carefully choosing his words.

          I was so confused by then. What does he mean by new? How come just a second ago we were getting chased by a Minotaur and now we are in the middle of Capture the Flag.

          Suddenly the girl got a knowing look on her face and her brown eyes lightened up.

          “You guys can be on our team while I get Chiron.” The boy with light brown hair and clear brown eyes said. He looked about our age. “Here take this,” he said giving me a bow and arrow, “and you take this.” he said giving Sabrina a sword.

          He ran off and we were faced with 2 girls attacking us who apparently were on another team. Sabrina, the girl and I fought effortlessly beating the girls and continuing to attack. I could feel the arrows plunging into my targets without having to use energy. The bow was weightless in my hand and I was screaming at my opponents. Sabrina was doing well with the boy’s sword but just then 2 boys swung at her.

          I had to take action so I leaped forward firing to arrows at her captures. When the 2 boys were confused Sabrina swung at them and they fell to the ground. We looked at each other in disbelief wondering how we ever got to this place. But, that didn’t matter right now. What mattered now was that we had to win. We gave each other high fives and kept on fighting.

          I realized that my gym skills were coming into hand now. I punched kicked and knocked out most of my opponents. I did feel bad about it but this was a good way of teenagers letting out their emotions. I then realized why wrestlers fought each other. The adrenaline pumped through my blood as I fired an arrow across the forest.

          It felt like I had been using bows and arrows all my life not just cheap ones from Wal-Mart that was lying on the forest floor. As the arrows left the bow everyone turned to look at Sabrina but then I stopped everyone was looking at me.

          “What’s going on?” I asked her just as the boy said, “That’s them,” and pointed at us.

          Behind him was a Centaur who I assumed was Chiron. They both stared at me and just like everyone else started to kneel. I was so confused. Why were all these people kneeling beside me? In this alternate universe was I the queen? Pshh no. I would be the worst queen but, what was it then?

          I looked up and saw this golden bubble thing with a lyre in it, the symbol for Apollo. Just as I was going to protest Chiron interrupted me.

          “Hello ladies,” he began talking to Sabrina and I, “it seems as though you have passed through the mist. This means that you both are demigods. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. For the next few months you will be learning how to fight and survive in the real world.” The looking at me he said. “What is your name?”

          “Isabell and this is Sabrina.” I answered quietly.

          “Isabell it seems as though you have been claimed by your dad, Apollo.” He said amused.

          I looked up and saw the golden bubble above my head. I looked over at Sabrina whose mouth was shaped as an “O” and a wild expression on her face.

          “My dad’s Apollo?” I squeaked out and managed to ask.

          Before anyone could ask someone started to sing. “She’s go the power got the power of sunshine. She’s got the dad that is also mi-ne.” Someone sang in tune to Natasha Bedingfield’s Pocketful Of Sunshine.

          “Oh woah- I don’t need backup singers!” I exclaimed and just stared at the half-man half-horse creature in front of me.

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