Chapter 12~

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A/N: OKAY DON"T KILL ME! I'm sorry neither of us have updated but we've been really busy. polkadotqueen has been at a loss for ideas for this so I stepped in and wrote Isabell's point of view. But as we all now, I had to include Sabrina's point of view somehow. So here it is! The long awaited Chapter 12! And I promise to update as much as I can but I have school, drama club, and 8 stories on my other account. polkadotqueen has a story and school and drama too so we'll try our best. Okay I'll shut up now. ENJOY!!  ~1DHalfBlood (fantasygirl17)

Chapter 12

Isabell’s Point Of View*

          All of us were preparing for Sabrina to pop back out of the waves, to scream with joy that she captured the fish and we could bring it to the Gods and our quest would be completed.

          She didn’t.

          “Where the heck is Sabrina?” Will asks, from the steering wheel.

          “If you don’t know, do you think I will?” Alexa retorts.

          Will puts his hands up in surrender.

          I, however, am staring intently at the water where Sabrina submerged. If I’m correct, something was down there, besides Sabrina and the goldfish.

          A terrible monster is submerged along with your friend. Save her, use your skills.

          My father’s advice snaps me back to reality and I turn to everyone so quickly, the giant speedboat rocks a bit.

          “WE NEED TO SAVE SABRINA!” I yell.

          My friends look confused, as if they thought I was nuts. Aww whatever, everyone does. Before I can explain any further, we hear a splashing noise.

          “GUYS! GUYS HELP!” A voice shrieks from the water. We turn around and face Sabrina, thrashing about.

          Then, a green, slimy beast starts circling her and this this is HUGE.

          “I’ll save you, Sabrina!” Nathan starts, pulling out his sword.

          “You’re not the one with a cross-bow, Nate. I’ll save her!” Jacob interrupts, motioning to his rather large crossbow. Heck, I thought that thing was a bow.

          “Guys! Sabrina’s in trouble! Just- I’ll save her!” Will claims.

          While the guys argue about who will save my best friend, Jem stomps her foot.

          “That’s it. Isabell, Alexa, assemble.” She commands.

          Jem and I both nock an arrow into our bows while Alexa whips out her sword.

          “Ready…aim….FIRE!” Jem counts and on the last count, our arrows go flying towards the water where the beast is located.

          The arrows pelt its scaly hide and it screams in pain. The beast surfaces and Alexa squeals in terror.

          “De immortales!” She says. “Cetus!”

          “But isn’t  Cetus a…” I start.

          Jem and Alexa give me a look like ‘Seriously? You’re questioning mythology now?’

          I shut my face. “Let’s save Sabrina.”

          Silently, we wait for Cetus to appear closer to the boat.

Sabrina’s P.O.V***

          Just my luck. I have the goldfish in my hand and the second I get it, I’m dragged underneath by a sea monster. Joy.

          Dodging an arrow which probably was shot my Isabell, I think. ‘Wait, I have control over water, I can just use my powers to get me out of here.’

          I look at the monster which has me wrapped around its tail and I think light. With my one free hand, I flex it and feel a tug in my stomach. Then, I’m flying out of the water, goldfish in hand.

Isabell’s P.O.V~~~

          I shoot another arrow impatiently at the water.

          “Do you think they even care?” Alexa asks, nodding towards the boys who still were arguing about who would save Sabrina.

          “If they’re still arguing, probably.” Jem answers.

          Then, a burst of water goes flying towards us. As we duck and shield ourselves, I look at the boat which now was rocking. A dry Sabrina was lying on the deck of the boat.

          “Sabrina!” I say and run towards her.

          My outburst calls for the boys to stop their argument which is now meaningless and run over to her.

          “Oh my gosh, I thought you were a goner!” Jacob says, giving her a hug and helping her up.

          “I’m fine. And guess what…” Sabrina says, after hugging Will and Nathan.

          We look at her.

          “I got the goldfish!” She says.

          We start cheering.

          “But what about Cetus?” Will asks, “He still needs to be destroyed.”

          “Well, in the myth, Perseus destroyed Cetus by turning him to stone with Medusa’s head.” Nathan explains.

          “But in case you haven’t noticed, Nate, we don’t have a gorgon head!” Alexa spits.

          I think. “No… but we do have magic and a shield.” 

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