Chapter 3~

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Chapter 3***

******Sabrina’s P*O*V

 Isabell had just been claimed. By Apollo. As in the god of the sun and music and medicine and all that other stuff. I’m just staring in disbelief that my best friend is the daughter of Apollo. How is that even possible?

After our team( the blue team) won Capture the Flag, we all wandered to the amphitheater where the Apollo cabin led the sing-a-longs. I kind of just sat there awkwardly. I didn’t know what cabin I should go sit I sat on the ground. After everyone started heading back to the cabins, I got up but didn’t know where to go.

Then a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes comes running towards me. He was pretty fast.

“Hey! Are you Sabrina?” He asks me, his eyes glinting in the moonlight.

“Yeah… why?” I ask.

“I’m Jacob and Chiron told me that you will be joining I and my half-siblings at the Hermes cabin.” He explains.

Oh right! Unclaimed demi-gods went to the Hermes cabin until they were claimed. I seriously wish I knew who my father is.

“Oh okay.” I say and follow Jacob back to the cabins.


The next morning, I expected to wake up in my bed surrounded by my One Direction posters but instead I woke up in a bottom bunk surrounded by a bunch of other bunk-beds. Oh yeah, what happened wasn’t a dream.

I yawned and got up. All of the other Hermes kids were gone so I was the only one left inside. I looked at the foot of my bed where an orange t-shirt with the words Camp Half-Blood was placed.

I pulled it on and walked outside. I still didn’t know what I should be doing. The arena was behind the “U” of cabins and the arts and crafts center was nearby. I start walking away from the cabins and onto the path. Soon I see the boy from Capture the Flag yesterday run up to me.

“Hey, Sabrina!” He calls out.

“That’s me!” I wave back.

He laughs as he catches up to me.

“What’s up?” He asks.

I look at him. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

He looks confused. “What?”

“Your name!” I say to him.

“Oh yeah! I’m Nathan.” He says.

“Sabrina, as you already know.” I say, bowing.

“So what’s up?” Nathan asks.

“Nothing just wandering around aimlessly through a camp I thought didn’t exist.” I explain like it wasn’t a big deal.

“I thought that too until my dad claimed me about a year ago.” He says.

“And who’s your dad?” I ask.

“Zeus.” He replies.

I am bewildered. “Zeus? As in the king of the gods and Olympus, Zeus?” I clarify.

“Yup. That’s my dad.” He says grinning.

“I feel really dumb right now.” I say.

Nathan seems to feel my dumbness. “It’s okay. Everyone finds out who their Godly parent is sooner or later.” He puts a hand on my shoulder and my heart skips a beat.

“I sure hope its sooner.” I say.

Nathan laughs. “Well I was just on my way to go canoeing. Wanna come?”

Ever since the experience at the lake, I wasn’t too sure how I felt about water. “I don’t know…”

“Come on. It’ll be fun.” He bribes, taking my hand.

“All right fine.” I say, giving in.

He smiles. Then two boys come walking down the path behind us.

“Hey Nate!” One of them calls out. I recognize him as Jacob, the boy who brought me to the Hermes cabin last night.

“Oh hey Sabrina.” He says to me.

“So that’s the girl you were rambling on about earlier?” the other boy says. He has blonde hair and grey blue eyes.

Jacob whacks him. The other boy turns to me. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Will.” He says, sticking an arm out.

“Sabrina.” I say, shaking his hand. As I do, I think I saw a streak of jealousy across Jacob’s face but soon it’s gone.

“Well we wanted to know if Nate wanted to go to the arena to practice archery. Wanna come?” Jacob asks Nate.

Darn it. I have no clue where Isabell is and Nate might ditch me.

“Actually, I was gonna go canoeing with Sabrina. I’m still kind of tired from CTF last night.” Nate refuses.

My eyes go wide.

“Oh well we’ll catch you later. Nice meeting you, Sabrina.” Will says, his sword swinging from the scabbard around his waist.

“You too.” I smile.

“Bye Sabrina.” Jacob says before walking away with Will.

“Shall we go canoeing?” Nathan asks, holding his arm out.

“We shall.” I laugh, linking my arm with his and we start skipping to the canoe lake.

“So who’s Will’s Godly parent?” I ask.

“Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle.” Nathan says simply.

I nod. Soon, we reach the canoe lake. As Nathan sets up the canoe, I jolt. I hear the man’s voice again.

“Sabrina? Are you okay?” Nathan asks.

“Oh uh yeah. Just spaced out.” I lie.

He hands me a lifejacket and an oar and we hop into the canoe. We start paddling and we soon reach the center of the lake.

“So then they start dancing like this!” Nathan laughs, imitating a dance that the Ares kids were dared to do last night at the campfire.

“Don’t you mean like this?” I say, standing up in the canoe. Uh oh. Bad idea.

“Wait Sabrina I don’t think you should-.” The canoe tipping over cuts him off as we both go flying into the lake.

When we surface, we’re laughing our heads off.

“Do that.” Nathan finishes. He looks at me. “It was hot out any way this was a nice way to cool off.”

I smile. “Come on let’s head out to shore.” We start swimming to the shoreline where several campers who were talking nearby are gathered along with Chiron.

“What? You’ve never seen a boat tip over before?” I ask them.

I notice that Isabell is one of the campers who gathered.

“Um I don’t think that’s what their shocked about.” She says to me.

I look down. None of my clothes are wet but Nathan is soaked. I then look at my reflection in the lake and see an orb with a green trident above my head. No way. Everyone kneels, including Chiron, Nathan and Isabell.

“Hail Sabrina, daughter of Poseidon, god of the seas and shaker of the earth.” Chiron says.

This could not be happening. I’m the daughter of Poseidon? 

Tales of Camp Half BloodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora