Chapter 11 Part 2~

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Chapter 11 Part 2~

In the water, I can see clearly. I have awesome perks to being a daughter of Poseidon. I do my favorite underwater move, the dolphin kick, and start swimming through the tank. I normally can only hold my breath for ten seconds but now it was two minutes.

I resurface and go back underwater, hoping nobody who can see through the mist noticed.

I look around and see the gold glimmer. I widen my eyes and swim towards it. Right when I can almost reach it… it disappears.

I’m so frustrated, I could scream. Yeah, well, the dolphins didn’t like that because they thought I was a struggling fish. They start surrounding me but then calm down. Obviously, kids of Poseidon have insurance against dolphin attacks. I’m about to swim away… when one starts talking to me.

Lady Sabrina, please forgive us for what we’ve done. One says.

Well, I kind of figured I could talk to sea creatures. I think You have done no harm. All is well. Don’t judge me for trying to sound noble!

Another one moves forward. We hope we have not disgraced your father, Lord Poseidon. At the mention of my father, they all seem to bow their heads.

No, no. You have not disgraced him. I hope. I must be leaving now so carry on with your performance.

They all bow their heads again and swim off saying Yes m’lady!

Well this would be a good camp-fire story back at camp. I shake my head and swim back to the hole in the shed.

“So did you get it?” Is the first thing I am asked.

“I’m fine, thanks.” I say, pulling myself out of the water. I’m not wet, as usual, but I still seemed to have drenched my hair.

“But did you get it?” Isabell repeats.

“Hear this. I was about to grip it when it disappeared!” I explain, standing up on the floor. I squeeze the remaining water out of my hair and tie it back into a high ponytail.

“How did it disappear?” Nathan asks. He leans down and hands me my hoodie.

“Thanks,” I say, pulling it over my head. “It just disappeared!”

“Well if it was here, I’m guessing that its probably in the lake now.” Isabell says. The lake is behind the aquarium so we could be there in five minutes.

“All right. Let’s go.” I say as I pull on my last converse.

We run out of the shed. Right when we exit the door into the main aquarium, we run into a deep voice saying “Hold it right there, kiddos.”

We think that we’re busted but we only spot Jacob imitating a security guard.

“Don’t ever do that!” Isabell warns. Jacob puts his hands up in surrender and I chuckle.

“How was the dive?” Jem asks.

I wonder how they know that when I remember that demi-gods see through the Mist, even when another demi-god triggers it.

“Good but the goldfish is in the lake now. Let’s go.” I say and we run out of the aquarium.


We reach the shore and look around. There are boats everywhere but none of us now how to use a boat.

“Alright Sabrina. Use your Poseidon powers and locate the goldfish.” Alexa says, wiggling her fingers as she says ‘Poseidon powers’

I close my eyes and try to be one with the ocean. Soon, I get an image.

“It’s not too far off of shore. Its five minutes,” I say looking up and down the horizon. “That way!” I say, pointing northwest.

“Okay but how do we get there?” Nathan asks.

“I could use my powers to get us out there quicker but when we stop, we’d probably sink without the boat being on.” I say, motioning to the closest speedboat.

“I could fix it up.” Will offers. I look at him and say “THANK YOU!”

Will’s no son of Hephaestus but he aces armory making every year, so I’ve heard.

“This should be no different than repairing a chariot.” He says, kneeling against the boat. We keep guard and within a minute or two, he says “Done.”

We all push the boat into the water and clamber into it. I am at the head of it. Will is next to me, right by Isabell and the rest of the crew is behind.

“All right.” I say and throw my hands back. Will starts the boat up as the water behind us pushes us along the lake.

“Come on, come on, almost there.” I say, squinting. Too much wind was in my face.

“… STOP!” I yell and we skid to a small stop.

“It’s here.” I say.

I yank off my hoodie (Again) and kick off my shoes (again) and dive into the water.

The lake’s a bit murkier so when I am tossed up into the water, I don’t see what pushed me up there. I take a glimpse at it and see a green-brown sea monster, cruising underneath me. I then remember the most famous of Greek sea monsters: Cetus. Yeah, the one that would’ve eaten Andromeda but… didn’t.

I scream underwater and use my powers to form a bubble around me. I didn’t know that  I could do that but all I care about is keeping myself and my friends safe from this thing. I look around and see the orange glimmer. I kick my feet towards it and reach for it with all of my might. I feel the sliminess of the fish as I kick up to the surface.

But then, something pulls me down.

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