friends and foes

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Amanda's pov:

It's been 2 weeks since we were dragged out of our hotel. It's fuckin sucks here. So there is a girl here named alexis. she dresses like shes on tumblr.

.but anyways,She's the most popular girl in school. She can't do any thing for herself,and she doesn't realize her "friends" are only there so they won't have to live in hell, like we do. Brandon. Her bf. he's a dick. He plays football. Sooo exciting. Note: sarcasm. Her other "friends" are Nikki,lexi,Britney and Juliet.

But we have made some friends. Blade:blue eyes,flipy black hair that goes down to his shoulders. He wears eyeliner. He's pretty tall too.

kaitlyn:she has long,staight brown hair.and looks kinda hipsterish.(--->)

everybody but blade and kaitlyn hate us.all of us.


guys im so sorry it took this long to update and give you a short friggin chapter.i plan on updating more.but please dont be mad.also if you want to say your name in the comments,its never too late.even if we get 50 chapters into it,its never too late.and alexis im sorry i made you the sure you are really nice :).....aaaannd i sound like a perv.

                                                                                                                     ~ much love

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