Pt 3 of that same chapter im lazy shush

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I straightened my hair slowly. I had to get really close to my fucking scalp because my fucking hair did fucking curls only in one spot and it's fucking annoying!!!!

Rant over.

"GURL GET YO ASS DOWN HERE!" I hear shane yell in his ghetto voice. I chuckled to myself and ran down the stairs jumping over the last 2.

"You aren't a ninja." Shane said looking at me.

"I'm more of a ninja than yo ass." I said, smirking. He rolled his eyes. I notice some one sitting on the couch. I guess shane noticed me staring and said-

"Anyways, meet Joey, Joey meet Amanda. Let's go." He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the door.

"Okay okay Jesus." I mumbled.

*****le time skip*****

Shane was filling out school papers, and a girl walked up to me.

"Hey my name is Olivia. I'm going to walk you around and all that jizz." She said giggling. Hehe..... jizz..... .-.

She was tall and skinny and had long purple hair. She was overall pretty.

"This is your first period class.... mr..... scott!" she said. I nodded, and she showed me to my locker, the other classes, and the lunchroom.

When I went back to the office my jaw dropped and who was in there....


You hate me, don't you? >:3 good.


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