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Joey and I got married, and moved in a town house together. I got a job/ school at the nearby beauty school, where I learn to do hair.

Oh, and me and Joey, We haven't had any children.*yet*.

Lisa and Shane are still together, but they still fight a lot.

Alice.... She died in a car crash.

Olivia... She met Ian. They are a thing now.

I ship it


Damn right.

I still cry at night, because of Alice. But I feel like she is still with me. She watches over me. I don't know. It might be stupid, but that's the way I feel.  And on my wedding, I swear I could hear her soft, sweet voice "you Look beautiful. Keep your chin up, and your voice loud. You'll do great."

Adopted (A Shane Dawson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now