Chapter 1

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I hate children. 

They are small parasites that suck all of your money and cause problems. Unfortunately, I live with three of them

Two teenage girls and a small boy. They all disgust me. The two girls constantly fight and argue, and the boy cries when no one's paying attention to him. 

Why would anyone want to have these? Gary, the father of these despicable terrors, handles them barely. The only time when they are calm is when they are asleep. And my god, when they are asleep, it is heaven

No bickering, no crying, no menstrual screaming, just silence.

Until 6:00 AM.

Beep! Beep! Oh no. I heard two thumps echo in my ears. They're awake.

"I'm going to shower first," one of them said. I could hear the drowsiness in her raspy voice.

"Um, I don't think so! You went first yesterday, it's my  turn." The other one argued. Oh my god, you do this every morning, I screamed internally. "Taylor, I said it's my turn!"

"Last one there goes last!" Taylor sprinted towards the bathroom. Mackenzie chased after her. 

As usual, Taylor made it first to the bathroom, because she is the one closest

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As usual, Taylor made it first to the bathroom, because she is the one closest. "No! I always fall for this." Mackenzie screamed. Also, as usual, she screams that, which wakes up the worst one.

We all turned our heads to the unbearable screeching of the small boy, Ivan. Here we go.

Gary stomped out of his bedroom in his pajamas. He looked half dead. "What the hell! Every morning!" He cried while he walked into his son's room. I peeked around the corner to see Gary trying to console Ivan. 

"They're loud!" Ivan's squeaky voice quivered. He rubbed his eyes while his father hugged him. "Shhh... it's alright," Gary said softly. After he calmed down, Gary lowered Ivan back into his crib.

Gary closed the door quietly and then sharply turned at the girls. "Every single morning you do this! You need to come up with some sort of schedule because I'm tired of you waking your brother at the butt-crack of dawn!" Gary yelled at them quietly.

"Sorry dad," they both said. "Mackenzie, you can go first," Taylor sighed. Mackenzie didn't hesitate. She quickly took the bathroom before her sister changed her mind.

Personally, I love baths more than showers. Baths are more controlled. Showers just drop water on me, and everyone expects me not to kill anyone of a five-foot radius from me.

"Ms. Tilly, come get your food," Gary said as he filled a bowl of breakfast. 

"Don't tell me what to do, you piece of trash," I lazily walk to my bowl. Gary sighed. "I'm going to have to work two shifts a day if you keep eating like this," He said when I munched on breakfast.

"Are you calling me fat?" I rudely stare at him.

"What? What did I say?" He defended himself. 

"For your information, you hairy-divorced sack of trash, I am not fat. I am fluffy," I corrected him. 

Gary crouched at rubbed my head "you're lucky you're cute."

"DAAAAADDD! Mackenzie's taking forever in the shower. She's going to use up all of the hot water!" Taylor whined. Shortly after she shouted out her concerns, Ivan woke up again. 

"My god, Taylor!" Gary rushed into Ivan's room.

Taylor pounded her fists on the bathroom door. "HURRYYY UUUUP!"  

A muffled scream responded through the bathroom door.

I trotted towards the bathroom door and banged my head on the wood. "Come onnnn, I gotta go!"

Sharply, Mackenzie swung open the door with her hair soaking wet and a towel wrapped around her torso. Her face was wrinkled in anger. "God!' She cursed. 

"Finally!" Taylor groaned. She stepped in and slammed the door as I was about to walk in. 

"HEY! I have to crap!" I clawed at the door. As I said, these children are terrors. They never listen to anyone. 

As I waited to go use the toilet, I slipped in the girls' bedroom and watched Mackenzie get dressed. "What the hell, Ms. Tilly!" Mackenzie angrily threw a hanger at me. "Don't mind me, I'm just going to insult what you're going to wear to school today," I plopped on her bed.

She searched through her closet on what she wanted to wear. "Let me guess, your Green Bay shirt with jean shorts that climb up your butt," I guessed. She walked out of the closet wearing exactly what I predicted. 

Taylor stomped into the room. Her hair was also soaking wet. "You're wearing shorts? It's October!" Taylor shouted. 

"So? It's not like I'm going to wear an MCR shirt! That was so 2015!" Mackenzie fired back. 

Taylor gasped. "You know not to bring that up!" 

I laughed. I love watching them bicker and insult each other. After a while though, it kind of gets annoying.

Taylor quickly slipped on her clothes, then kicked her sister. 

"Oh, it's on!" Mackenzie kicked back. They started to wrestle and pull each other's hair. It didn't last long though because Mr. No Fun decided to jump in. 

"Both of you knock it off!" Gary pulled the girls apart.

 "She started it!" Taylor hissed. 

"Nu-uh!" Mackenzie hissed back. 

At that moment, I swear I could see Gary explode internally. "Both of you..." his voice rumbled "are grounded."

"WHAT?!" The girls cried. Ivan woke up crying again from the girls shrieking.

"AHHHH!" Gary screamed as he left the girls' room to go control his son once again.

"I hate you," Taylor muttered under her breathe. 

"I hate you more," Mackenzie twitched. 

"For the record, I hate all of you," I chimed in. The girls ignored me and walked to the living room to retrieve their backpacks. 

Gary walked out of Ivan's room while holding Ivan. "You should probably go to the bus stop, it's almost 7:30 AM," He collapsed on the couch.

"Bye dad," Mackenzie and Taylor said sadly. 

Finally, at peace for 8 hours. No more noise.

Thank you for reading this first chapter of my first book. I hope this book excites you readers into reading more. Feel welcome to comment any concerns, critique, or anything else. I love talking to you guys, so please do not hesitate.

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