Chapter 20

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I adore children.

They may be small parasites that suck all of your money and cause problems, but they're my parasites. Fortunately, I live with three of them.

Two teenage girls and a small boy. They all surprise me. The two girls don't fight and argue as much as they used to, and the boy squeals with excitement everytime he sees me, I will always love them.

Why would anyone want to have these? I wouldn't know. Gary, the father, and Petra, the stepmother of these crazy kids, handles them barely, but they make it work. Yet, the only time when they are calm is when they are asleep. And my god, when they are asleep, it is heaven, yet lonely.

No bickering, no crying, no menstrual screaming, just silence.

Until 6:00 AM.

Beep! Beep! I heard two thumps echo in my ears. They're awake!

"You can take the shower first," one of them said. I could hear the drowsiness in her voice, however, she voiced it in a kind tone.

"Oh, are you sure? I went first yesterday too, it should be your turn," the other one offered, "Taylor, it wouldn't be fair."

"Nah, I insist, I'm pretty hungry anyway," Taylor rushed to the kitchen. 

Mackenzie gasped, "don't eat the last frozen blueberry waffle!"

"Fine," Taylor's voice went monotone, she was disappointed.

Gary's door opened and an attractive woman wearing a robe stood in the entrance. "You girls behaving?"

"Yeah mom," the girls said in sync. The woman nodded her head in approval and then headed her way in the kitchen, meeting Taylor there too.

"How'd you sleep, Taylor?" She asked her stepdaughter as she poured the coffee into her mug.

"Eh, it was alright. I had a weird dream though, it was about Ms. Tilly," Taylor scratched the top of her head. She popped two pieces of bread into the toaster and pulled down the lever, causing the toaster to work its magic.

"Really? What happened?" She asked, seemingly interested.

"Well, Ms. Tilly, it was so weird like I said, she could talk," a small grin pricked on Taylor's face. She was being ornery and she knew it.

"Hm, that is odd," Petra leaned against the fridge, sipping on her coffee.

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open, "I'm done! Taylor, you're next," Mackenzie shouted.

Gary exited his bedroom, shushing Mackenzie as he knocked on the door of Ivan's room. Quickly, the door widened, revealing a slightly taller boy than before. A cheeky grin tickled Gary's spirit, causing him to high-five his son. He was proud of him.

I went into the girls' room to see what Mackenzie was going to wear today. Mackenzie searched through her closet on what she wanted to wear. "Let me guess, your Green Bay shirt with jean shorts that climb up your butt," I snickered. She walked out of the closet wearing exactly what I predicted. However, instead of showing off her legs, she wore tight black leggings to keep her warm in February. 

Taylor strolled into the room. Her hair was also soaking wet. "Cute outfit, but Green Day is so outdated," she remarked. "Thanks, but it's not like I'm going to wear an MCR shirt! That was so 2015!" Mackenzie fired back. Taylor gasped. "You know not to bring that up!"

Taylor quickly slipped on her clothes, then kicked her sister. "That didn't even hurt!" Mackenzie kicked back. They started to wrestle and pull each other's hair. It didn't last long though because Mrs. No Fun decided to jump in. "Both of you knock it off!" Petra shouted, ripping the girls apart from their demise.

"She started it!" Taylor hissed. "Nu-uh!" Mackenzie hissed back.  At that moment, I swear I could see Petra explode internally, similar to how Gary takes things. Suddenly, Petra went full on Dutch woman screeching mode. Even though they both could not understand her native language in foul terms, they knew they were getting chewed out.

"We're sorry," they both muttered in sync once more. Petra sighed in relief, then left their bedroom, going to find her sweet husband.

"What was the commotion about?" Gary yawned. Gary was sprawled out on the couch as I ate my food. Petra sat next to him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, guys don't do this here, it's still gross," I commented, trying not to puke in my mouth, but they ignored me.

The girls and Ivan were fully dressed and were wearing their backpacks, ready to run for the bus stop.

Gary and Petra looked at each other, wanting to reveal something before their children flocked from the nest for the day. Then Gary finally said it, "so Petra and I were thinking," he paused, kissing her back on the cheek, "how would you like it if we got another cat?"

The girls and Ivan gasped with excitement. Mackenzie spurred in, "like-like a kitten?"

Gary shook his head, "like a grownup male cat," he snickered quietly, looking at me.

"Wait, what? I don't need a man," I stared at Gary in confusion.

Taylor squealed even louder, "so Ms. Tilly and her boyfriend can make babies?" Gary nodded in confirmation, them all leaving me in the dust. I didn't sign up on this! I'm not making babies, babies are for chumps. Babies are for lovey-dovey couples that can't seem to get out of each other's pants.

"We were thinking of getting a short-haired tabby cat. Ms. Tilly's and his children would look beautifully if their furs were combined as one cat.

No! I'm not going to have children, children are a pain in the caboose! I reject, I reject!

Gary turned to me smiling, "our kitty is all grown up, after all, she's what? Five years old? That's like thirty something in cat years," Gary stated, "I think it's about time she's made her own family, don't you think Ms. Tilly?"

I glared at him, I want to say something back. I wanted to bite him in the butt because I was slightly furious. I don't want any kids. I already have kids, Taylor, Mackenzie, and Ivan.

But I didn't bite him in the butt or say something back. He feeds me, I wouldn't want that privilege to be taken away from me. It's not like I could get a job, after all, I'm just a cat.


P L O T  T W I S T. Haha, did I catch you guys off guard? That's right, Ms. Tilly was a cat, and I was hinting it the entire time. To be honest, it was extremely hard not to add cat like descriptions too obviously, I still wanted you to think she was a cat until the VERY END.

Tell me what you think about this story, I would appreciate it. Also, I would like to thank my friends and my followers for supporting me throughout this story. If it weren't for you guys, I would have probably given up a long time ago. Continuing, I would additionally like to thank the people that have inspired me without speaking to me at all, and that has a higher fanbase than me. Just reading their incredible books, and their journey to resolve the conflict, it really encouraged me to make something of my own. So again, thank you.

Thank you, friends and followers, maybe even future followers, for tagging along the way of my first book journey. It really means a lot to me, even if you don't vote or comment. Just knowing that somebody enjoyed my story warms my heart. You are extremely important of my writers quest.

However, this may be an end to this book, but you will not say farewell to my writing yet. Currently, I am writing a romance book in the LGBT+ section (I'm not that good at writing romance because I've never experienced it before.)

 Previously, I have been planning a new story after finishing this one, it would be my third book, it's called "The Words Said to the Grave". It's a thriller book, for you thriller fans out there, you might enjoy it, I don't know. It's my first stab at writing in this genre. If any of you could give me some tips, that would be deeply appreciated.

One last time, thank you for reading this cute story. I hope to see your faces, well, usernames in my future stories too. See you soon, bye guys, I love you all!

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