Chapter 13

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"You're right Petra, that was a selfish thing of my mother to do! Thank you!" Mackenzie emphasized with Petra. Taylor nodded her head in agreement.

I wasn't in the living room, but I could hear them from Ivan's room. Their voices were emotional and grieved, saddening by the minute. I tried to focus more on Ivan's spoken gibberish, but then somebody yelled.

"I AGREE, WE SHOULD DENY HER!" Taylor shouted. Petra said something much quieter, something that wasn't audible for me. I leaned forward, trying to listen intently. 

"I am happy that I am proving a choice," Petra's bad word choice echoed in the girls' ears.

I decided to ignore them, trying to center my attention to Gary's room. I entered his personal space without permission and snooped around. As I was doing it quietly, I heard a tap on his window. I looked up and recognized the familiar young boy, Theodore.

I smiled with relief, even though I was deeply saddened. I opened the window, welcoming the outside air into my home. His face seemed worried. "Ms. Tilly, I need to talk to you," each squeaky word he spat out became more concerning. I rushed to him immediately, popping the window screen off.

I hopped out of the window with ease and asked what was the matter. He shook his head, tears forming into his soft blue eyes. "It's-it's," he stuttered, "we need to go to Susie's house, now," the way he said 'now' made me not hesitate. I followed him back to Susie's backyard. I scanned to see who was there: Susie, Tom, and Tim. I was utterly relieved to see that Majesty wasn't here.

Ugh, Majesty. That prissy princess wannabe. She gets anything she so desires and whatever she asked for is handed to her by a silver platter. The nerves of that girl, if I could, I would beat her into the ground six feet under. I remember this one day, she rubbed me the wrong way, and finally, I snapped. I clawed her precious little face and hissed at her. However, that never did teach her lesson. 

I leaned against the wooden fence, waiting for them to look up at me. They all stared at the ground intently, all wearing an afflicted expression. Hell, even Tom sniffled. Something terrible must have happened because Tom's one of the most heartless creatures I've known other than Majesty.

Theodore joined the sad group of Susie's house. Susie, herself, wiped a tear dripping from her eyes, and looked at me. A shiver flew up my spine, causing it to tense. "Hey, why's everybody so sad? Was it because you heard the news about Gary? If that's so, there's nothing to be scared about," I said, hoping this would solve everything.

Their eyes were still full of melancholy. What's going on?

Tim coughed a bit and then fixed words out of his mouth, "It's not about Gary or your problems, really," he informed me coldly.

"Well, then why'd you drag me out here? What's the fuss about?" My voice grew irritated, "what, did someone die?" I asked, trying to calm myself down with a joke.

Theodore gasped softly. I turned to him, he was covered in tears. "D-d-don't joke about this, Ms. Tilly," he cried.

My eyes widened, my concern growing. What the hell was going on? Why's everyone crying? Why can't they just tell me already?

"Susie, what's going on?" My voice sounded sharper than I intended.

Her focus pointed at me, her brows bent in fury. "Haven't. you. heard?" She gritted her teeth, tears still flowing out her eyes, causing her speech to be choppy.

"Obviously not!" I snapped. What the hell are they not telling me? JUST SAY IT ALREADY.

Tim sighed and sniffled like his brother, "last night, Majesty was hit by a truck," he said quickly, seeming to sting everyone that heard.

"She's dead," Tom finished it for him.

"What? The princess is dead? No, no, princesses don't die. They don't. I said they don't die." I said, not believing them at all.

"Tilly, don't refer Majesty as a princess, she was one of us," Susie's voice rumbled, stressing the was.

I shook my head in disbelief once more. "You're joking, this isn't funny. Saying somebody died isn't funny. You know  my history."

Tim and Tom hid their heads, all sobbing. Theodore ducked his face into the fence and Susie just sat there on the table, letting tears fall.

I didn't allow tears to form. I blinked hard and swallowed hard. I am not sad. "I hated that snobby brat. All she cared for was herself. She was selfish and heartless." I thought out loud, they all gasped. I realized what I had just said.

"Ms. Tilly, what were you thinking?" Tom quickly intruded. I bit my lower lip, rudely revealing that I didn't want to care or know. However, Tom instantly rebounded, "Have-have you ever..." his voice cracked, "have you ever looked in the mirror?"

What did he just say about me? Is he calling me ugly?

"I was surprised that you didn't get along with her, but then again, why would a witch get along with a princess?" Tim snapped for his brother.

"Did you refer to me as a witch?" I said, baffled. I can't believe what they're saying. Are they actually against me.

Tom fired, "Majesty was like the light of your forever darkness. You never let her enlighten you. She was only trying to be your friend." 

Susie closed her eyes, trying to bare the terrible things that were being said to me. Why wouldn't she defend me? I thought I was her best friend. Then she said it, "she did so many things for us. She helped us get through some hard things, unlike you."

"You antagonized her, you made her look like the bad guy!" Tom continued, "you know what?" His voice became unsteady. "I wish it was you instead of Majesty."

"Fine," I said, storming off. "Come on, Theodore, let's ditch these guys." I faced the fence. Theodore didn't respond verbally, instead, he looked down at the ground. Then, he moved towards Tim, Tom, and Susie, joining their side.

I nodded my head, confirming that this was it. "I see how it is."

I darted home, tears almost forming in my eyes. But I didn't let them form because I remembered what I've said before:

I know it sounds cold or dramatic, but that's just who I am. I am a sadist, and no I don't mean sexually; I mean I enjoy being cold to others. That's what I was made to do. I know it's hard for others to understand, but they're just going to have to get used to the fact that this is me.

But what do I care? I don't need people to understand. I don't need love. I don't need friends. I can do just fine being a loner.

I'm fine. Being alone is in my nature. Standing alone on the tip of the mountain isn't a problem for me. I swear.

But I don't why...even if being alone is in my nature, then why do I feel so...empty?

I'm sure it's nothing though. I'm fine.

Never did I ever see that backfire.


The italicized words at the end were pulled from Chapter 4 if you needed a quick refresher. Haha, to be honest, this whole chapter was a quick refresher.

Now may I mention, THE IRONY AND FORESHADOWING IS STRONG IN THIS STORY. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I never thought I could pull that off. Did you see that coming? DID YOU? Please, please applaud me, my god I feel quite special. But let me continue, I am still not done foreshadowing. Like I've said before, this is going to be the biggest plot twist ever <okay maybe not ever in all time, but it's pretty big>

If you hate me because I made you feel the feels, leave a vote and comment. Thanks, guys, I love you, hope you still love me, bye!


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